Letter to Young Fool: FPK

Nov 25, 2005 21:03

Now see here-

You got a big head on your shoulders, pretty, but big. Some manner of pride there too. Both them and that notion of yours you is right? Are going to get you burned, and not like when your hands went all manner of places they shouldn't with Sally Mae's dress, Malcolm Reynolds.

Things don't always go the way they should, because someone is right, and someone is wrong.

It was right sweet you listened to your mom talking about right and wrong, but maybe you should have listened to her saying nothing in the 'verse is fair neither.

It ain't.

It's hard and cruel and just going to get worse, where you is going.

Not that that is going to stop you. Hard headed, stubborn, wang ba dan.

I might be proud of that. Maybe. The days it don't make me want to slam you against a wall.

But since I ain't here to warn you away? Pointless as that is. I suppose I should give you some hope, for after.

Hope is shiny. Literal like. Metal and clunky grace.

Just listen here: When there is talk about needing a new compression coil? Or catalyzer? Or anything involving the like?

You listen.
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