Aug 20, 2005 20:21
Betrayal was just a manner of business along the Rim. Part of the two step and a jig. A gratuity that got attached to parties bigger then. Say. One.
Mal took to it fine, even if he didn't lean that way himself.
Seeing fire fall from the sky? And no angels coming to carry him home? Was a betrayal bigger than nothing no wang ba dan in some fancy ten gallon hat could try. Particularly when with a smile and some words, Mal could talk his way in loop de loops around most of them.
Mal's Momma might have had fits at the way Mal chose to go brand his buyers, but he had things a bit more volatile than a few heads of cattle he was worrying about wandering off and betrayal was the way of things.
He kept telling himself that. Even after the snow had melted. Even after the wet from it had dried. Even after St. Albans was long behind. But blue eyes wouldn't leave his mind.
Weren't no running from them. Nor crawling. Mal carried them.
Carried them long.