Two related news stories that I'm fascinated/appalled by this week.
A Sudanese woman convicted of indecency for wearing trousers in public says she would rather go to jail than pay the fine imposed on her by the court. The judge went for a fine rather than the forty lashes option, which was terribly good of him. 150 mostly female supporters gathered outside the court - an minor detail in the news report, which I found deeply chilling was "Riot police beat back the protesters and later loaded dozens of women into a van and drove off".
Women's 800m world champion Caster Semenya has been made over by a South African glossy magazineYou magazine carries a picture of Caster Semenya, the athlete at the centre of a gender testing controversy, wearing makeup, jewellery, a new hairstyle and a glamorous dress. The women's 800m world champion, whose androgynous appearance sparked global debate, has been given a makeover in a photoshoot - the teenager is seen modelling designer dresses, jackets, skirts, tight leather trousers and high heels. It is a radical departure for the woman who grew up in a rural village wearing trousers and tracksuits, playing football with boys and eschewing western fashions.