the policy of administration and the administration of policy

Nov 27, 2032 09:00

This journal is, by and large, friends-only, partly for privacy reasons, but mainly to protect the wider world's web from my inane and unfocused mutterings. Generally speaking, I tend usually to friend people whom I know, in at least some sense (typically people I've at least met in real life) but that's not really a strict policy, it's just how things have mostly turned out thus far.

So, if you'd like to read any of my ramblings (in the name of all that's blasphemous and non-Euclidean, why?) then please leave a note here saying hello; if we have met before then please remind me who you are (especially if it's not obvious from your username).

(Note added in proof: If you're already on my friends list, we've almost certainly already been introduced and I'm not proposing to remove you from the list. This (post-dated) note is an invitation for people who aren't currently on my friends list to introduce themselves if they think they might, unaccountably, want to read my postings from time to time.)
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