Over the past few months,
johnaldis and I have been cataloguing the
Warwick SF&F Society library. The library (which consisted of about 1500 books last time anyone counted) has a fairly diverse collection of books, ranging from modern classics of the genre, right through to utter drivel. Some of the latter is "of its time" - tat by today's standards, but when considered in context it sort of hangs together, although there's some other stuff which one has difficulty imagining was ever any good (for some reason, for example, we appear to have acquired an entire cupboard full of Star Trek tie-in novelisations).
Halfway through an afternoon's careful cataloguing, John handed me
Agent of Chaos by Norman Spinrad, and said "I bet you can't read the blurb on the back of this book without laughing". I failed:
The terrible dictatorship ruling the planet was the Brotherhood of Assassins, and Boris Johnson, head of the Democratic League was plotting to overthrow the Hegemony and to restore democratic rule.
THE HEGEMONY, that mysterious group that controls the entire solar system, was now threatening to control the entire human race and render Man extinct!
The entire galaxy in chaos; now bloodshed, then infinity...?