Bro TCG Card Log

Jan 07, 2010 22:34

★ 03/02
- received boobs09 and kendo10 from sora's card kitchen
★ 02/23
- received camellia09 and nocturne12 from sora's card kitchen
- trade servant07 & loudmouth09 for cloaked10 & pizzahut06 with Mongoosehwrs
- got benihime01 boobs05 calories14 mera08 shunpo11 and whispered01 as random cards from SNAPSHOT 28, 29 & 30
- got cigar07 emperor12 exposed07 flames08 memories11 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #32 & 33
- got desperado09 and kendo04 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #31
- got camellia13 hyperion03 and karugamo06 as random cards from TAKE OVER A VITAL REGION #24
- got camellia01 dagger08 emperor07 massacre11 navigate01 park05 and pray06 as random cards from Number Luck #31 & 32
- got wednesday13 as random card from Number Luck #30
★ 02/15
- got blindfold08 immature09 kendo12 reindeer01 and scrapbook10 as random cards from Distracted #22
- received camellia05 and memories05 from sora's card kitchen
★ 02/08
- received camellia04 and memories01 from sora's card kitchen
★ 02/01
- received hearts06 and valkyrie11 from sora's card kitchen
★ 01/31
- got brother09 emperor06 pervert07 and yomi08 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #30
- got pervert08 and pray05 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #29
- got blindfold15 freeze09 pizzahut10 pray01 sunflower08 and trash09 as random cards from Take over a vital region #26
★ 01/26
- got 6911 as random card from Number Luck #29
★ 01/25
- trade dagger10 for cloaked09 with Zanisha
- received cloaked02 and hyperion07 from sora's card kitchen
★ 01/18
- received benihime11 and cloaked06 from sora's card kitchen
★ 01/17
- got directo05 massacre05 and temper10 as random cards from Midnight Channel #14
- got butler07 kendo01 pervert02 and popular14 as random cards from Gilbert's Guess #20
- got blind10 freeze15 guren04 and servant07 as random cards from Distracted #21
- got assassin02 loudmouth09 and reindeer03 as random cards from Eye Spy With Yui & Mugi #20
- got benihime06 and guren09 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #28
- got shirayuki06 as random card from Number Luck #28
- got a yellow ticket from Take over a vital region #26
- got chaos01 for mastering member cards
- got blossoms08 meitou09 and yomi03 as random cards for mastering member cards
★ 01/13
- trade tags10 for seventh01 with Enfacade
★ 01/11
- received shirayuki10 and shirayuki15 from sora's card kitchen
- got cester04 katana02 mera03 and seventh03 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #27
- got dagger10 and shaolin01 as random cards from Number Luck #27
- got benihime14 memories15 and nocturne08 as random cards from Give a nobody a heart
- trade member card with Gravity_xx
- trade a yellow ticket for guren14 with Gravity_xx
★ 01/08
- trade immature02 for mansex03 with Zanisha
★ 01/07
- trade member card with Desert lemon
★ 01/05
- trade member card with Databomb
- received guren02 and guren03 from sora's card kitchen
- trade kora08 for calories07 with 00zags
- got calories08 desperado15 freeze10 and shunpo13 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #26
- got cloaked14 napoleon08 reindeer15 and shield14 as random cards from Snapshot #25
- got assassin09 calories02 chaos04 desperado05 destiny09 and karugamo10 as random cards from
Take over a vital region #25
- got guren11 as random card from Number luck #26
★ 01/01
- trade destiny15 and dekosuke15 for pray 14 and pray15 with Frickbiscuits
- trade trash08 for pray07 with Midori lover
★ 12/21
- received guren06 & guren10 from sora's card kitchen
- got clone09 and kunai10 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #25
- got destiny15, shaolin04 & valkyrie08 as random cards from Take over a vital region #24
- got immature02 as random card from Number luck #25
★ 12/22
- trade member card with Thumbs
- trade dragon07 for pervert05 with Thumbs
★ 12/21
- received dragon07 & navigate11 from sora's card kitchen
★ 12/20
- got flames02 and trash08 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #24
- got a yellow ticket from Take over a vital region #23
- trade member card with Enfacade
- got shield04 as random card from Number luck #24
★ 12/18
- trade member card with Xtiggzie
- trade destiny14 and freeze03 for chaos15 and karugamo12 with Xtiggzie
- trade member card with Sparkism
★ 12/17
- trade swirls15 for pervert03 in Card Pot 14
★ 12/16
- trade member card with Midori lover
★ 12/14
- received seventh11 & seventh15 from sora's card kitchen
- got immature01 and reindeer06 as random cards from Number luck #23
★ 12/13
- trade katana10 for rio04 with Chibibabs
- trade loudmouth05 and lupin11 for navigate14 and pervert12 with Aiden_lork
★ 12/12
- got loudmouth05 and wednesday01 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #23
★ 12/11
- trade member card with Chikky2k5
- trade pizzahut03 for chaos06 with Chikky2k5
★ 12/10
- got katana10 and seventh06 as random cards from Battlers Q&A #12
- trade loudmouth05 for chaos03 with Rokeru
- trade showoff15 for karugamo01 with Frickbiscuits
- trade dragon07 for wednesday11 with Mongoosehwrs
- trade maps03 for pizzahut03 in Card Pot 13
- trade member card with Rokeru, Frickbiscuits and Mongoosehwrs
★ 12/08
- trade quincy03 and shaolin06 for seventh12 and wednesday04 with Chatiel
★ 12/07
- received quincy03 & seventh13 from sora's card kitchen
- trade member card with Zanisha
- trade baseball15 and clone12 for pleasure09 and rio08 with Chibibabs
- trade member card with Chibibabs
★ 12/06
- got baseball15, clone12, hyperion13 and temper15 as random cards from Snapshot #22
- got flames10, navigate12, pray04 and wednesday09 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #22
- got shaolin06 as random card from Number luck #22
- got a yellow ticket from Take over a vital region #21
★ 12/04
- trade trash15 for chaos05 with pyrotol
- trade spain05 for chaos02 with Sparkism
★ 12/03
- trade three08 for rio03 in Card Pot 12
★ 12/02
- got loudmouth05, lupin11 and pervert09 as random cards from Cheagle theft r #15
★ 12/01
- trade baseball14 for mera04 with Chibibabs
★ 11/29
- received pray11 & pray13 from sora's card kitchen
- got pray12 and showoff15 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #21
- got wednesday10 as random card from Number luck #21
★ 11/26
- trade selece15 for pervert10 with Chibibabs
- trade quincy13 for karugamo02 with Chatiel
★ 11/25
- got bags11 as random card
★ 11/22
- received flames01 & pray09 from sora's card kitchen
- got selece15 and stoic08 as random cards from Freebies gone ninja #20
- got jealous07 and three08 as random cards from Number luck #20
- got quincy13 and pray10 as random cards from Battlers Q&A #10
★ 11/15
- received freeze03 & trash15 from sora's card kitchen
★ 11/14
- joined
- got chaos10/11/12 + ten random cards
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