Cover Reveal or Not

Feb 24, 2013 15:18

This was, I have to say, an incredibly difficult cover to finalise. The reasons being, I had such a pure image of what I wanted. In your mind and in words you create. To put it into a picture is another thing entirely.
I did a LOT of research into creating the cavalana, the main creatures within my story. I did so after realising how bats fly, how 'light' a person would have to be, so that it wasn't fantasy but science fiction. I did research on genetics, citing a thesis on combing human and bat blood. So, it could be said to be provactive. Because, there will be folks who say uh oh, can't be done. Excuse me, but it can. But, to make a flying 'human' viable, obviously bone structure and weight play a huge factor.
All I can say is, look at the cover and be intrigued and read how it can happen. "The Voice of Land" is only book one in the "Warriors of the Land" trilogy. It takes you through *how* the cavalana came into existence and how their world shaped them.
Can a world be sentient? Find out in "The Voice of the Land". Take a world which has been terraformed and see what happens. Do you really expect it to be the same as Earth? Would it be?

Steven Carogan is a clone, sent to a world to take planetry samples. There aren't supposed to be 'natives'. While he fights the indoctrination of the clone corps, he discovers there is much more to life than obedience to a cause. Loyalty draws him one way; passion to another. Which way will he turn in the end?

Umm, we all decided we didn't like that, so it is gone. When we come up with another one, I will let you know. The concept was exactly right except the figure wasn't as I 'saw' the cavalana.
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