Okay. So after 170 miles of nothing but endless corn fields and Maccy D's while tailing an egg truck I distinctively remember. We finally hit Columbus Ohio. Nice city and all...but all the roads are one way. So, if you take a wrong turn, you are screwed. Lucky it only happened once getting to the hotel.
After finding which way to park infront of the hotel, Kaji drops me off and all our stuff so she can park in the convention center car park while I check us in. Nice hotel actually from the outside, and I love the lobby as they have some lovely windows in the ceiling so you can look straight up at the towering top.
However, once you go up the gold Shin-Ra elevators. And see the room corridors is when the place looks tacky. The carpets are old and worn...and the rooms are small as hell. Beds are tiny. Which makes sharing difficult when your a light sleeper. >.>
We dumped our crap off and went out to meet Kaji's friend after that. Though soon as we got to the parking garage exit...Kaji's can't find her parking ticket she got. So the girl at the counter told us to go all the way back to our room to look. But still, we couldn't find that damn ticket. So we both go to the hotel desk and ask if he'd confirm for us what time we arrived and stuff if the parking garage called them. Trailing all the way back to the garage exit again...that girl wouldn't even fuckin' ring the hotel desk to confirm our story was true. Mumbling some crap...I couldn't make a lot of it out because she was using a accent, native american or something. After several minutes of debating she finally gave us a ticket and let us out an hour late to meet up with Kaji's friend Katie from highschool at the bookstore.
Pretty much we went and ate at Steak N'Shake. Even though I don't usually eat burgers, they were okay. I love vanhilla milkshakes though. e.e After that we went to get some rubber tubing for Kaj's buster sword hilt. And I think she brought some more spray paint which we took to Kati'e apartment to spray the buster sword. God that stuff stank... Had to stay indoors with all the kitties. Especially the baby kitty was cute. One actually fell asleep on my lap while I was there. -Chuckle.- So we ended up talking and stuff for several hours about random things before we left late at night. It was bitter cold too outside and snowing a little I was damn frozen. We got kinda lost trying to find out way out since the snow had covered the road in the complex. We crashed soon as we hit back and left the sprayed buster sword down in the car because it still stunk of paint.
Thursday Kaji pretty much was working on her Zack wig all day. Till both Abra and Cloudy showed up, our other two roomies. Then we constantly got caught up in conversations which distracted Kaji a lot from getting the wig done. We ordered pizza later on and pretty much walked around the hotel once Kadaj arrived as well just to watch things being set up ready for the next day. That place is really huge with the convention center linked up.
Friday morning. I made sure to wake up early, and it was literally. I was up at 6am and showered just as Cloudy and Abra did after me while waiting for Kaji to wake up last as always I just stared outside at the neighbouring buildings all pretty lit up.
We went down for breakfast before getting into costume...which takes Kaji forever since she has to bind herself in the nasty stuff. <.<
Sooo after getting into my AC Cloud stuff we all went down as a group to line up for registration. Me and Cloudy were the only ones that pre-reg'd so our group got split up in the masssive line we were waiting in for about a good hour, Eurobeat King from cosplay.com pulled me out of the line to snap pics of me while I was waiting.. Funny enough we all got into the room at the same time. Though they'd lost my registration details because of a problem they had with their online store and such had lost many peoples information.
Leaving with our newly shiny badges we went to retrieve our swords from our room. The con schedule was messed up and infact there wasn't even a schedule till like saturday officially. So we didn't know half of the events going off. other than the dealer room opening on friday! Which was awesome. We got to the front of the line and were the first ones in with this guy with a sign next to us. Instantly we just looked from store to store for FF goodies. And yes, I spotted the Trading Art FF7 potions. Between me and Kaji we purchased an entire box of 8 of them. They had the regular canned ones and the 10th aniversary potion too. Which Kaji got an opened copy for 40 bucks later just so we could taste Sephiroth flavor.
Abra kept leaving us at some points in the day which ended up causing some drama in our group. Because I was constantly being torn between hanging out with all of my friends as much as I could, as well going to the panels I wanted to see or someone texting me constantly to be with just her. Which I found kinda selfish. Because I went to see not just one person. But everyone...so it did stir me inside a little that day being called rude and crap because I wasn't doing what someone wanted me to do. Eh... I care too much maybe. Anyhow. We missed the supposedly FF photoshoot on friday at 3pm apparently... because we were told to be in different places. That kinda made me feel a bit emo at first. But the Yaoi panel later on that day was amusing. Talking about how a few things people don't include in the Yaoi verse. I have to agree, not many people use condoms in Yaoi fiction or roleplays. Infact I've rarely seen it included. Though lube is mostly there. The joke about self-lubricating males was amusing. I think that panel is actually on youtube, or at least parts of it are.
Saturday, the main big day was probably the best day. Apart from starting shitty cause I had a random nose bleed after showering. >.> Seeing all that porn. We had breakfast first thing as usual then got into cosplay, though I started with Rufus in the morning. Got some photos taken by more people. Before changing back into Cloud for the FF photoshoot I was determined not to miss. Quite a lot of us gathered there actually. And we did a lot of group shots, then by Number of game. Is it any surprise FF7 had the most cosplayers? No. Of course not. XP
The fun didn't begin till after the photoshoot. When all the Yaoi started to happen. -Grin.- There was a lot of CloudxCloud, CloudxVincent, VincentxYazoo, CloudxYazoo, CloudxZack, ZackxCloud. Yeah..Lots of it. I'll show pictures once everyone has put up theirs and I compile them together so its all in one place for viewing. Not having to put up a million links for odd photos. Most of them are by Kaji and Cloudy on her phone so... just waiting for if anyone else has more and the major photographers there.
Pretty much after the shoot we just hung out and let people take pictures of us...everyone kept coming after my Cloud. They really liked my swords. Kept wanting to hold it. >.>
We had to line outside for the cosplay competition around 6ish. It was a long line too. A lot of waiting and in which Abra left us again and then when we got inside and were watching peoples skits wanted me to just leave inbetween to go back to my room to talk. x.x Meh. I kinda felt sad too cause after finding out there was a craftsmanship walk one, I wanted to do it. Now gotta wait till next time. After that we just went to the two Yaoi panels which ran till 3am in the morning. Most of that was talking about Gundam Wing, how it got mostly everyone into Yaoi, apart from me that is...FF7 turned me completely. Cloud and Zack pictures I believe i found online from a Yaoi artist. Cloudy, Kaji and me went to the dance for about an hour afterward getting some glow sticks which they hung onto my Cloudy wolf armour...-Snort.- Though I couldn't dance much in that outfit. Added the fact my feet ached from walking around all day. I crashed with Ally, one of my friends from Yaoicon 06, who was security at Ohayocon too. And pretty much stayed awake all night playing with Corn Candy. which everyone ate an entire bag of o.o.
Sunday morning at around 7am I got up and went for breakfast at Riku's hotel with Kadaj and Kaji. Since it was free there and we kinda snuck inside...had a really good laugh to a point we were too rowdy when Kadaj kept spilling her chocolate milk on the table and the staff came over and told us to keep it down or we wouldn't be allowed back at this hotel again. Suckers. We weren't even guests there. XP
Even though I was tired as hell I managed to stay awake for most of the day through the last hours of the con. Got some Yaoi art comissioned by one of the artists there. Mmhn...CloudxRufus. I like my Cloud seme. And hes giving Rufus tongue too in colour. Very hot!
I also got some AC Cloud pictures alone. Because I like to see more decent AC Cloud artwork. My favourite Cloud outfit. There wasn't much to buy in the dealers room. So..I had to spend it somewhere. I only got the potions and a Last Order wallscroll. Most of it was retro games, real swords and guns. They had a Master Arts Cloud, but already got a US one. And it was 450 bucks. I got mine for under that here. Don't think that even sold.
We wandered abck to the dealers room after everyone had apcked up after closing ceremonies and gone. God...it was so bare and empty. Kinda lonely too because a lot of people ahd left by then. But we had some after fun back in Jill's room. -Chuckle.- The youtube link will be below for if anyone wants to see our ending madness.
I rpetty much stayed in Jill's room for most of the night. Abra and Cloudy had already left. So it was just us remnants remaining. I stayed up talking to Al and Jill till about 4 am till I clocked back to my room for sleep. Waking up at 10am to pack up and be gone for 12.
Yes, its always sad when you have to leave a con you have so much fun at...I;m still feeling emo about it now. A week ago it was in full swing. Just sitting there those last few minutes eating in the food court before leaving Ohio yeah... I remember them well. To 170 miles driving back. Even if we stopped at Kaji's hometown of centerville. I was feeling down. 5 months till ACen. And 9 months till Yaoicon 08. Even if I ahve to work on Genesis cosplay before then. Meh... added with the fact I got a lot of drama when I got home to a point it hurt inside. Didn't help my mood. But, I did have a good time. More than I thought I would. Which does leave a good memory.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDk52PSEwKkGlomping me by random fangirl.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO8iEnQ6VD0Kadajs speech. She almost fell over the table she was stood on XP.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2Ukp_Cr3NkOhayocon music video of our FF stuff.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFHVCun--bkAnother Ohayocon music video...and...Yaoi at the end? ^^
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EecxRKG5YUWhat happens at the end of a con.
Well there you go, enjoy and photos will come soon. As I bug my friends about them.
And a piece of advice. Never barrel roll at a convention with something fragile or glass in your pocket. You might just get sent to hospital. As one guy at Ohayocon found out when he forgot he had a glass bottle in his pant pocket. Retard.