Nov 10, 2007 23:01
Okay...I'm just about tired of people setting off fireworks now. Guyfawkes night officially ended like almost a week ago now and people are still setting them off like its a damn new years day celebration bash! Or 4th of July as Americans would set off an assload of fireworks. >.> -Throws calendar at stupid people.-
Normally I wouldn't mind if they were so far away...but some asshole decided it would be fun to set a rocket off close to my house and window that it made me jump out of my seat thinking what the fuck was going off.. Not to mention it upsets my dogs who are getting old now. I felt like shooting the asshole with an air rifle. -Sigh.- People seriously need hobbies man.
Other than that...I think I'm finally well...ish. I still feel tired for some reason late at night. Not sure why that is. I just feel exausted by the time it reached 9 or 10pm, maybe I'm still jetlagged, or because I'm recovering from being sick. The early dark nights don't help much. Blah, being sick wasn't fun at all...and I NEVER get sick normally. I still find that peculiar...maybe just some California flu or some crap passing around.
And in other news...I finally finished Crisis Core not long ago. Though the ending was very sad indeed, and I probably can't ever play FF7 again without knowing the sad trajedy that occured before its beginning. It makes me feel even more for Cloud now, poor little emo boy. And I can imagine the millions of fangirls crying after watching Zack die...oops...spoiler? -Laughs.- Seriously, I think thats the worst spoiler ever. Beecause we already know the outcome of the game before we even played it. But eh... I admit I didn't cry. But I was very emotionally filled for pity for Cloud. And understanding why hes so...yeah by the time of AC. The poor guy has been through so much shit, give him a break.
There is a little interlude that links Cloud's arrive on the train mission starting FF7. Not sure if they put that there just to tie the games up together, OR if they really will do a remake like a lot of people have been wanting. Though there is a part of the fandom that don't want the original game to be touched... because as you know Square Enix now, they LOVE to change things. I swear they've created several time paradoxes in FF7's timeline now, especially how Nibelheim incident turned out. -Eye roll.-
On a lighter note... has anyone tried the regular canned FF7 potions yet? I insist you try getting hold of one before they become hard to get hold of other than auctions.