Sep 19, 2008 11:59
Something had been niggling at the back of Cloud's mind for some time now, but he'd been too absorbed in other thoughts to notice. Thoughts of his sword, thoughts of Zack's sword, thoughts of Aeris and Tifa and everything else. Even thoughts about Yuffie.
Yeah, Cloud thought a lot.
Mostly he thought about himself. How he had changed since ShinRa. Since leaving the tiny town of Nibelheim all those years ago. He wasn't the same person anymore and he was only just starting to be okay with that.
He wasn't the 'happy' guy Zack had known back in the army days. He wasn't the scared little kid Tifa had known in Nibelheim. He wasn't the SOLDIER Aeris had known when they'd first met. He was Cloud Strife, ex-delivery boy, ex-world saver, ex-not-a-SOLDIER. And he was okay with that.
It was the bulletin board that finally made him remember. He wandered past it on the way out of the Compound and something caught his eye: a calendar. It was September, apparently. September...the month after...
"Huh," Cloud said to himself. "It was my birthday." And, with a shrug, he moved on.