Dear Creator,
Thank you so much for taking the time to create something for me! I'm really looking forward to seeing it!
I am really easy to please. I like everything from fluff to angst, to hurt/comfort, and basically anything else you can think of. Pretty much whatever you would like to create would make me happy. I’ll try and give you some direction by prompt, but really, I’d be happy with nearly anything.
For the Iris/Aranea prompt, feel free to have it be romance, developing romance, or gen. Whatever works! I'd love to see them bonding in the World of Ruin, or after it. I'd especially love to see Daemon Slayer Iris and Aranea. If romantic, I'd prefer Iris be over twenty. Honestly, tho, go crazy. What I love about them is that they're both fierce in their own ways, and I'd love to see what they can do together. Optional prompt ideas: sunset, sparring, chase, making dinner, or waterfall.
For the Amicitia family prompt, I'd really just love to see how the lot of them get on. What is their home life like? Feel free to include Jared, Talcott, Cor, the unnamed mother, any extended family, or anything. I really just want to see some slice of life Amicitias. I love how supportive each of their characters are, and I'd love to see how it carries over (or doesn't!) to their family life. Optional prompt ideas: jumping on the bed, graves, Father's/Mother's day, reunion, or tattoo.
For this prompt, I'd really just love to see Luna, Nyx, and Crowe in any combination. Feel free to do Luna/Nyx, Nyx/Crowe, Crowe/Luna, or Luna/Crowe/Nyx.
For Luna/Nyx, I'd love to see what their future could have been like, what navigating their disparate duties could have looked like. I really liked that Luna would just do what she needed, and expect Nyx to follow. For Luna/Crowe, honestly, anything would be great, whether it be Crowe swooping in at the last second to save Luna from Ardyn, or an AU where Crowe managed to make it to Tenebrae. Honestly, anything would be great. For Crowe/Nyx, I like the idea of loyalty and family within the Glaives. So anything that played off that would be awesome. For Luna/Nyx/Crowe, seriously go crazy. Anything would make me happy, especially if it concerned loyalty in any way. Optional prompt ideas (for all of them): fealty, Warp, haven, fireworks, stars, or behemoth.
This may be the most specific prompt. I'd really love to see developing OT4, and the realities of navigating a poly relationship. Feel free to set it before, during, or after game (although if it's after game, I'd prefer verse 2!). Honestly, include anything: hang ups, mistakes, awkward/bad sex, (mis)communication, or whatever else. Optional prompt ideas: bed sharing, prowl, exhaustion, lagoon, or victory fanfare.
Feel free to have this be gen or romantic, I'm not fussed either way. I'd just love to see something that examines their relationship within the context of their political situations, captive royalty who become the Oracle and High Commander, respectively. I'm curious what their personal relationship could look like, given that context. Any time period is ok! (If romantic, I'd prefer both Luna and Ravus be over 18, thanks!) Optional prompts: magic, greed, restless, sunset, flowers, or festival.
Like I said, I’m really really easy to please. I like a wide variety of things, and the ideas I’ve put here are just something to get you started thinking if you’re having trouble. I tend to prefer AUs that are more canon divergent than just a straight-up AU, and I really am not looking for non-con or underage sex. Other than that, though, go wild! I'm really just looking forward to seeing some of my favorite characters doing cool things!
Thanks so much!
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