I think a lot of people have done this at this point, but here's that character ranking meme that's going around. Overall, I'd say this is pretty accurate, though I feel like Henriksen, Amelia Richardson, Rufus, and Naomi should all be a little higher on the list than they are. Other than that, though, this is pretty much on par.
1Kevin Tran2Meg3Sam Winchester4Ruby5Bela Talbot6Alistair7Linda Tran8Jody Mills9Anna Milton10Dean Winchester11Castiel12Crowley13Victor Henricksen14Amelia Richardson15Balthazar16Lisa Braeden17Benny Lafitte18Sarah Blake19Hannah20Claire Novak21Jessica Moore22Rufus Turner23Gabriel24Jo Harvelle25Gadreel(/Ezekiel)26Tessa (the reaper)27Ben Braeden28Naomi29Abaddon30Krissy Chambers31Gordon Walker32Rachel33Lilith34Azazel35Ellen Harvelle36Lucifer37Rowena38Charlie Bradbury39Uriel40Garth Fitzgerald III41Kate (the werewolf)42Raphael43Zachariah44Chuck Shurley45Mary Winchester46Donna Hanscum47Amelia Novak48Death (the horseman)49Cole Trenton (lol)50Michael51Frank Deveraux52Bobby Singer53The Alpha Vampire (from S6)54Gwen Campbell55Cain56The Impala57Ed Zeddmore & Harry Spengler (Ghostfacers)58John Winchester59Jimmy Novak60Samandriel61Dick Roman62Samuel Campbell63Metatron64Christian Campbell65Bartholomew66The Styne Family67Adam Milligan68Becky Rosen
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