(no subject)

Jan 02, 2015 12:10

Title: dedication
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Linda, Victor
Rating: T
Word Count: 400
Notes: Notes: set in an s8 AU where Henriksen rather than Garth is asked to look after the Trans. Contains noncanonical disability, reference to canonical drug use, and allusions to PTSD.
Summary: Victor comes back from the houseboat to give Linda news about her son. Or not, as the case may be.

Victor’s cane is loud enough against the floorboards demons can probably hear it all the way down in the Pit. But Linda doesn’t glance up from her computer, shadowy concentration and bags under her eyes some ghostly echo of her sleep-deprived son. “How is he?” she asks, without looking up.

“How do you think?” Harsher than he intends, but this life has roughened him up with the grittiest sandpaper, till his tongue is a lash and his stomach churns. He clenches his hand around the tauntingly-smooth handle of his cane. He doesn’t tell her about the Aderall. “He’s resupplied and making some headway on the God rock. Kid’s industrious, I’ll give him that.”

Linda’s eyes lift to him, her mouth pursed. Finally, she asks him, “Do you have children, Agent Henriksen?’

“What do you think?” Flatly. Looks down at his twisted leg and resists gesturing at the deep scars shiny on his face. She doesn’t need to know who Lilith was to know what Lilith did to him. Or close enough. She’s seen enough, the past few weeks. His job to try and keep her from seeing any more.

But Linda says, “The only reason I’m not with him now is he begged me not to be.”

“So, I’ve been wondering-where’s your husband in all this?” He nods at the polished ring on her finger, bright under the glow of her computer screen.

“Dead,” Linda turns her attention back to her work. “For a long time now.”

An apology bubbles up in him, but he can’t apologize for every death, can he? Can’t prevent them, either. Learned that the hard way-a flash of it, Nancy spread out in pieces across the floor, Lilith’s dark curls matted with blood as she laughed-instead he keeps his damn mouth shut. She asks him, “Are you married, Victor?”

“Twice. Divorced both times.” He rubs his free hand over his face, fingertips catching over ridged skin.

The twist of her mouth says it all, as does the glint of her ring. What does he know of familial dedication? Honestly? Now, even he isn’t sure any more. The closest thing he’s got are a pair of brothers that dropped a mother and kid off to him with hardly a word. His mouth twists like hers. “Does Kevin look like him?” he asks her.

“Does it matter?”

This entry was originally posted at http://mako-lies.dreamwidth.org/135324.html.

* supernatural, ! fanfiction, spn: victor, spn: linda

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