V-day, Dragon Ball & BESM.

Feb 16, 2010 13:04

So my V-day was pretty uneventful. I worked 1-9:30, so really didn't do anything. I was so pissed, my parents got my fave food and I had to be at work! Boo. Me and Rich were going to go out Saturday, but I had cramps so we stayed home. Made dinner. Rich got me a dozen white roses and Dragon Ball seasons 2 & 3. After dinner we watched Dragon Ball. Rich has never seen it, and honestly he seemed to despise DBZ (even though he never saw it) He said it was the hype. But, he loves Dragon Ball, and does want to watch DBZ too now.

Speaking of DBZ, we have been watching the abridged parody, and it is incredibility funny. I was rolling! So funny.

Since Rich is leaving soon, he decided he wanted to run a game. At first he wanted to do zombies, but since it may be a bit sporadic depending on when we work, he decided that he wants to do a BESM. We are trying to get people so we can start this Friday. He has invited about 4? people I think. If you are local and are interested send me a text!

besm, dragon ball, v-day

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