Oct 10, 2010 15:20
nghh so I totally forgot I had to watch the Liar Game movie until I noticed it in my To Watch! folder on friday.
so I watched it last night.
umans, I lol'd a lot, whenever some character was all HUR HUR HUR HURRRRRR -laughs at other character's stupidity!!!!- ...like akiyama going all AHAHAHAHAHA!!! ..I don't even know.
umg. it was good. a nice ending, I suppose.......somewhat.
the part after the credits made me lol. :D''
but ungh wtf the subs, there were a lot of gaps??? at least most of them I was able to understand what they were saying, but sometimes, it was like, what? :C
watched the second ep of star driver today LOL. omfsdghsdglkhg IT'S SO STUPID -DIE-
too many characters.
but I can't help myself from watching it in all its gay stupidity 8D;;; GINGA~ BISHOUNENNNN!!!!@@@@@
lol what's with takuto and his tight midriff-baring shirt 8DD;;;; and LOL @ the girls from the drama club is all OOO SPARKLI TEK OFF UR SHIRT LOLOLOLOL@@@ -DIE-
kay I srs gotta do my math hw fffff hate hate hate.
.cartoon drama,
.condensed drama