Synopsis: Tsukushi (Inoue Mao) is a poor girl in a rich school, mostly full of snobs. This school is controlled by (aka, everyone follows) a group of 4 boys, the "Flower Four" or F4, consisting of Domyoji Tsukasa (Matsumoto Jun), Hanazawa Rui (Oguri Shun), Nishikado Sojiro (Matsuda Shota), and Akira (Abe Tsuyoshi). When a student pisses of one of the F4, they are given a red notice, and the whole school beats up on them until the offender leaves. Tsukushi ends up sticking up for her friend who irked Tsukasa, and recieves a red notice. She doesn't back down and [somehow!] Tsukasa starts falling for her. The first season goes through the trials Tsukasa goes through to get Tsukushi to fall in love with him (and admit it), while the second season is geared toward the couple getting Tsukasa's mom's approval.
Why I watched this: I'd heard of it before...and my friend was talking about how "Matsujun"/Shin from Gokusen was also in Hana Yori Dango.. I did not doubt my friend's judgement or taste in dramas, so I gave it a try
About the characters: I don't like Tsukushi's name. What's up with like three characters starting with 'Tsu'? And I found her annoying when she kept wavering between HANAZAWA RUI!??!!? and DOMYOJIII??? I did however enjoy the fact that she always only addressed Rui as HANAZAWA RUI??!!? and was frequently going DOMYOJII!!?!?!
Domyoji ...ugh his hair LOL. I like his stupidity, haha. And the fact that he was always so loyal to Tsukushi. I thought his acting was really good here, a slight change from Sawada Shin, but not much (still rather abusive!)
Hanazawa Rui seemed so mood-swingy. Ahh..he annoyed me in the beginning of the first season, because he was all "lol I didn't save you because of you, but they were just annoying me!" I hate characters like that. And he seemed to like to make Tsukasa jealous |D;
Akira and Soujiro...I didn't like that much because of their playboy nature. (and the fact that Akira looked like he could possibly be 30 or something!) But they were loyal to the group, so that was good. Brotherly love, haha.
ohmygawdSAKURAKO GTFO PLEASE. your face is just so ...UGHslut.
and Domyoji's mom, whose name I cannot least you redeemed yourself in the movie! -shakefist-
About the series: I really liked the first season--I even rewatched it. The second season...I didn't like too much. To me, love stories aren't so good when they're stretched across two seasons (and a movie!!!) And the second season seemed slow and I was always tense from hating Tsukasa's fiance. And that girl who took advantage of him when he lost his memory (later found out to be Toda Erika!?)
The movie...well. I think it's awesome they came over to Las Vegas (I love it when dramas take place in the US or other Western countries) but the goosechase for the tiara was pretty drawn out, and so was the little wilderness thing. mah...but the ending was great~
Overall: Even though many drama-lovers consider this a must-watch, omfgsogood, maybe-even-a-classic series...only the first season was really that good, in my opinion...
FIRST:10/10 SECOND: 8/10 MOVIE: 8/10