Ahh...yesternight I took the opportunity to stay up until 4AM to watch Akihabara@DEEP (the movie version)
why is it that I always end up starting watching these 2 hour things at around 2AM??? (btw, not really any spoilers)
So anyway. I watched this BECAUSEEEEE.........
Miura Haruma was in it IWON'TLIE!
I have no screenies, unfortunately...I'm always too lazy to screenie things, especially since I can't watch on my own computer. -sigh-
Umf, this is the first time
this elf man wasn't playing an asshole character (at least, in the dramas I've watched with him in them.) ...oh wait, he wasn't an asshole in Yukan Club. My bad. But in Hana Yori Dango, Yamada Taro Monogatari, Maou, and Orthros no Inu, he was an ass. (though in YTM, it was comical...and gay) ...geez, he's in EVERYTHING.
but either way, this is the first time I actually LIKED his character. at first, admittedly, I thought his character was Miura because he had a hat on and I couldn't see like half the face. Then...I was like...WHOA WTF ITS THAT GUY?!
It would have been so win if Haruma was "Box" (elf man's character)...because he's OCD which is awesomes -SHOT-
instead, Miura was some sort of delicate white-lily my-skin-will-catch-fire-if-exposed-to-the-sun sort of guy....when he first appeared (and for a while after), he wore this tight white suit thing to repel the sun's UV rays. I was thinking "holysht he's freaking skinny" and also "I hope he's not wearing that the whole time..."
but he didn't. heee. he wore it whenever he was outside, though. he was also the programmer guy. inspiration to become Falcon in Bloody Monday, eh?
terrorist man was the main leader of the group! O: he's good at stuttering. A talent, if you could call that one. d'awww...
ah, this is the first time I didn't think
fugly btch girl was a fugly btch girl. maybe it's because she wasn't portrayed as a omgawd so pretty lol perfect EEEEE> girl, so I didn't have to try to think she was one. yay.
boyfriend-maker man was the main antagonist. he was a freaking sick man. sick as in disgusting and twisted and ohmygawd-not-even-human. I hated him WAY worse than his role in Orthros no Inu..and he had this gay hair that was a wig (like, it was known as a wig. it never showed what his real hair was, though...) ...at first, I didn't recognize him because of the wig...but I recognized him soon enough (and confirmed my suspicions through a quick google!)
one of his hobbies was absolutely disturbing. not in the normal otaku-fashion of ogling over maids and anime characters. if I was disturbed at those, I wouldn't have gotten through Densha Otoko. but no, his thing went BEYOND that. -shudder- thinking about it .... is not good.
hmmmmmmmmm...yeah. when there was like 5 minutes left, I think the laptop's battery died, so I had to go to the family room to finish it @_@; I kept hearing creaking upstairs..geez...
I'm debating whether or not to watch the drama series (with Ikuta Toma as the OCD guy! ...I think! :D) ...I read somewhere that the movie is darker than the drama...so ...well I hope the antagonist of the drama doesn't have that disgusting hobby. or I hope that they keep it less graphic...no...just take it out altogether. -sigh- I don't feel like writing about what it is because it's ickers.
so I get up this morning to the ranting of my mother about AP Bible... -sigh- again...
I finished Calc hw, then my mom went out to the library for forever and I took the opportunity to watch stuff!!
FIRST: finished Papa to Musume no Nanokakan. Hmm....the Shizuka lady was being a melodramatic drama llama-queen that was overly dramatic. YAYFORREPETITION. other than that, I thought it was a cute drama. and fail!shige was fail. HAW HAW HAW FAIL. I always feel bad about his fail. but I can't help laughing at it.... n_n;
SECND: I continued watching SP (security police). I had watched episode 2, which ended in the middle of the arc, some time ago...but never got around to watching the rest. Yesterday, I finished the arc (the story arcs seem to last like 3 episodes, except for the first episode, which was an intro, I guess)
the first major arc (eps 2-4? 2-5? not sure which) ...the ending was so awesome 8D;; the way Okada Junichi's character saved the day was epic. and his little magic-spidey-sense wasn't so annoying anymore~
then the next arc....wasn't AS epic, but was still pretty good. I don't know if it ended already or not...it seemed to end in the middle, but my mom came home when I was in the middle of an episode that started with a flashback. -sigh- that was episode 8...
ah well. time for more homework -sigh-
I need to finish series before the fall season starts. @_@ the first series I'm looking forward to is 2 weeks away....hopefully that's plenty of time...