just thought people might like these

Mar 22, 2010 22:57

This past sunday I met up with sakurae and some others for Hanami times~
My willingness to dress nicer, cook cute food and shape it into cuteness failed me this year, I just rolled out of bed, grabbed some cream puffs from Angel Bakery and some spam/california rolls/inari sushi stuffs from mitsuwa. It was still tasty and there was SO MUCH FOOD so I made a fatty of myself and grazed all day until we finally packed things up XD

So here are some of the choice pictures i took, not as many as previous years as we spent more time talking and enjoying the atmosphere of the park then snapping photos. but the park was lovely this year, much better then last (though still not as good as 2-3yrs ago) and i FINALLY actually walked to the other side of the lake! so exciting!
anyway on with the pics

of course the first pic was not even of the trees...
my passion knows no bounds!

Along the entrance~!

just before you go over the little bridge thingy, I just liked that bright yellow with the pink...

Close up that came out nicely

we basically had been sitting here all day, this was after we moved obviously (tried to get the pic before that kid got in my shot... but no such luck, oh well it was a busy weekend afterall.
we were starting to walk around the sakura looked so neat riseing up over the hill~

These trees were blooming with recless abandon and all the families were stopping to take pictures with them, it was pretty cute actually.

what? no~ the park was totally empty~~ I totally didnt badly clone tool all the people out and bump up the color a bit~ not at all...

pretty :3

Ok thats it for Lake Balboa~!
while I was waiting for Bailey to get out of work today, and since I didnt have any errands to run, I ended up in the parking lot of the park on 190th and Prairre. Which has some little sakura trees planed. once they get older they will make quite the lovely little grove~! I wish they were big now, itll be awesome to walk around on grass under a canopy of sakuras~~~

Alos heading back over tomorrow because Bailey wants to go. so if i get any other spactacular pictures ill post those too, but thell probably be mostly the same.
the end~!
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