
Sep 22, 2008 01:07

So, after a long, long while of not doing anything with those t-shirts I got printed up, I'm going to give this one more try. Things will have to start off slow. Slow and comfortable. But I will get some traction this time. I plan to sell off the rest of these #1000 shirts for cheap. Ten bucks or something. Then re-design it, get some new ones printed up. Some new designs floating in my head. I might be seeking some partnership with.... a guy. Yes.

Mallory took some (100+) photographs of herself modeling my t-shirt. She's gonna bring them over for me to sort through tomorrow. This issue of t-shirt models have been the only excuse I've had left for not getting this up and running again. So I am now fresh out of excuses.

I did a little bit of cleaning around my room and found an old notebook of mine. I used it for the last couple semesters of school as a note taking device thing. I dusted it off (literally) and am gonna try to find a place for it in my day-to-day life now. A to-do list, a place for random thoughts. I've tried to get organized so many times before using fancy desktop calendars on the computer, or agendas in my phone... nothing seems to beat old fashioned paper and pen.

The Malster and I took a trip to Disneyland yesterday. I am quite certain it was the weirdest Disneyland visit she's ever had. We went on a total of 4 rides all day long. Spent countless hours just sitting and people watching. Every time we've been before, it's been a pretty typical day. Trying to get many rides in, staying busy. But I was feeling very lazy yesterday, and really just wanted to sit.

I could (and have before) go to Disneyland and not go on a single ride. I'd be happy with just a churro and a mint julep, and sit. Just sit.

We finished the night with a trip to the new Cheesecake Factory, and ate way too much food. I'm still working on my dessert, actually.

So, my birthday is later this week. We'll see how that goes. I admit -- I'm less than skeptic this time around.

The question mark is growing limp. The last of the embers that smoldered, have been doused cold by booze. The distance feels greater now than ever before. Your place has been defined.

Goodnight Moon.
Looking Up.
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