okay fine i was really bored so i started going around reading people's blogs.i rarely do that you know, unless they're like my close friends and all. so anyways i got to a certain person's blog and the whole thing was like bout her being a bimbo.like, bimbo me, my thoughts are just bimbo...do you like being a bimbo? No i don't like being a bimbo. i don't find it cute and appealing. hell no.
sure i knew she was perky and stuff from the start but this is just way beyond expectations. to think that my friend likes her is starting to creep me out a little. ohh well all the best buddy! -although you have absolutely no idea that im talking bout you.
okay anyways i've moved on from bimbo blog to ANOTHER bimbo blog. and it's starting to make me wonder whether they're just like tht because they think it makes them sound more mature and urm more westernized? shit i really have no clue bout whats going on in their minds. the only thing i can say is that i doubt westerners blog like that huns. (addicted to that word. blame the forumers =) )
ohh shit it just hit me that i AM actually friends with these people and i should shut the hell up RIGHT NOW.
okay so since im bored out of my mind and actually dying of tummy cramps, i'll just post some pics to introduce you malaysians to the singaporeans ( waves at anisa, nisa, tsz ting..)
OKAY top row :
Li Lynn
- pussycat doll's no 1 fan.
- member of pussydog 9 ( the best group of karaoke-ers =) )
- force her and she'll do some pussycat doll moves on top of a table =)
- sings Gareth Gates songs with me
Wai San aka Sunny
- hangs out with Jess and Stingy (shall dig a pic up somewhere later)
- we went to school together when we were in form 2 with that transporter.god i forgot her name.
Kee Aik
- the richest guy alive.
-totally in love with we-all-know-who
- we make real good business partners coz he provides the money and i provide the ideas
- got me my first cat soft toy (named patchy)
Chee Hung
- very very very muscular
- dances better than michael jackson ( hell im serious)
- madly in love with we-all-know-who
Mun Wai
- the best badminton player ever.
- going to watch WBC with me
- loves kuchikirukia
- loves to sing during lessons with mariam being fav. victim
- loves calling me fat / an elephant
- My buddy since primary school
- remember going through skl pic with her and pointing out all hot guys (primary days)
- KRS woman
- loves animals which is why i love her
Now bottom row :
Hui ling
- the one who gets to go to 1u at any time of the day
- the one i always drag shopping with me ( most of the time she buys stuff thanks to me)
- always on the phone ( even during exams)
- left for Aussie
- can't live without her coz she plans EVERYTHING ie. karaokes
- started the asthma attack laugh
- loves koreans and thinks guai lous are smelly -.-
- had a thing for daniel lee ( msian idol ) and Lee chong wei -holy u have a thing for lees dont you?
- my oh-so-sexy Raoul but sometimes she mixes up and thinks she's Christine.
- the horniest girl alive ( LOL sorry had to put that in)
- couldn't eat a sausage without bursting into laughter
- part of the love triangle ( elaine, me , weng khong - we love each other)
Carmen ( oish why is she blur?)
- loves anime
- can sleep at any time of the day
- her place is like the best place to watch horror movies!
- my shoddy ( shopping buddy!)
- so smart i can't stand her =P
- she had to live with my jenson blabberings for a year
- ok let me emphasise - the best person to shop with
- has a hole in her baju kurung pocket - don't give her coins
Pei Yin
- the most gullible person EVER
- has nose bleeds if she sees porno
- canNOT sing =P
- her mum's my friend =D
- the best person to kacau (during non PMS period haha)
ohh my tummy aches!
there my raoul <3 and btw thats xian hui over there. she's my erik. thats why shes giving the "raoul u really gonna kiss her?" face
ohh fark my blardy tummy.