Тут Гудзенко интересовало, что скажет Син в ответ на видео с отцом.

Oct 29, 2014 15:46

Ответ есть, и он пафосно-вялый.
...Last month, the North released its own human rights report, claiming the country has the world's most advantageous human rights system and policies.

"The United States and other hostile forces against the DPRK today resort to all kinds of childish plots to mislead public opinion in the UN arena with the non-existing 'human rights violations' in the DPRK," the North's propaganda website, Uriminjokkiri, said in a recently posted video.

The video was produced to discredit Shin Dong-hyuk, a North Korean defector who was born in a political prison camp and has become a vocal critic of the North's human rights violations since fleeing the country. It also featured Shin's father, still remaining in the North.

In a response posted on Facebook, Shin said, "This is my father, as shown in the video released by the North Korean dictator. My father is alive. I am sorry that I let my father suffer. I am sorry that I could not love my father even once."

In response to the North's video describing him as a criminal, Shin said that his only "crime" is that he told the world about the suffering of North Korean people in prison camps and he escaped from the prison camp.

"No matter what the dictator does to my father, they cannot cover my eyes; no matter what the dictator does, they can not cover up my mouth," he said.

От Маккавити: Не признать отца не вышло, остальное заболталось.
+ Заметим, не было и фразы "никаких малолеток я не насиловал, это клевета".  Как и заявления что "папу заставили".
+ Готовность пожертвовать отцом. Конечно, ему было бы лучше, если б папу запытал режим, а он мог бы этим спекулировать.

мордор, ккъок

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