А где лежит расшифровка или текст записей?

Aug 31, 2013 14:14

Трое активистов оппозиционной Объединенной прогрессивной партии Ли Сан Хо, Хан Дон Гын и Хон Сун Сок взяты под стражу по подозрению в нарушении Закона о национальной безопасности и подготовке заговора с целью организации восстания. 30 августа окружной суд города Сувона провинции Кёнгидо выдал ордер на арест трех оппозиционных активистов. Они подозреваются в подготовке и пропаганде восстания, однако арестованные отказываются признать свою вину. Как сообщается, в мае этого года под видом заседания альпинистского общества под названием "RO" прошла встреча 130 человек, в ходе которой обговаривался план вывода из строя связи и других жизненно важных объектов страны. Что касается еще одного подозреваемого, депутата Национального собрания от Объединенной прогрессивной партии Ли Сок Ки, то для его ареста необходимо лишить его депутатского иммунитета. Для этого необходимо согласие простого большинства не менее чем 50 процентов депутатов. В соответствии с законодательством, спикер Национального собрания обязан созвать пленарное заседание в течение 72 часов после судебного запроса.

A court endorsed the arrest of Rep. Lee Seok-ki of the minor opposition Unified Progressive Party (UPP), Friday, for having conspired to overthrow the state.

In an evening press conference, Rep. Lee denied he had given his party members an order to sabotage important national infrastructure to help North Korea if it invaded the South. It was his second public denial in as many days.

The Suwon District Court sent its written approval of a prosecution request for Lee’s arrest. If approved by President Park Geun-hye, it will be forwarded to the National Assembly as early as next week.

Both the ruling Saenuri Party and opposition Democratic Party (DP) are likely to vote for his arrest at the National Assembly, political analysts say.

The National Intelligence Service (NIS) disclosed a transcript of Lee allegedly telling his colleagues in a gathering on May 13 to conduct an armed uprising.

The UPP lawmaker, however, claimed that the transcript made public by the NIS was full of lies.

“I will fight to the end against the fabrication and conspiracy set up by the NIS,” Lee told reporters.

He admitted that he was at the May meeting. However, he claimed that what he said was not to instigate a war, but to stress the need to make more active preparations to create a permanent peace on the peninsula.

“They can criticize me over different views, but I cannot accept the enormity of the accusation of treason. I am against war. I am a pacifist to the bone,” Lee said.

He made it clear that he would not quit and will sincerely comply with any judicial procedures necessary concerning the allegations.

Lee’s arrest needs prior parliamentary consent as lawmakers are immune from detention while the Assembly is in session unless they are caught committing a crime.

The lawmaker will be able to remain at large if the unicameral parliament does not approve of the arrest in a plenary session scheduled to start on Sept. 2.

“As soon as the justice ministry presents the case to the National Assembly, the chances are that the green light will be given for Lee’s arrest,” said Prof. Shin Yul at Myongji University.

The Saenuri Party has already vowed to do so and even the DP will not be able to take a different stance in consideration of the people’s consensus against Rep. Lee.”

According to the NIS transcript of the clandestine meeting held in May, Lee and members of the “Revolutionary Organization” (RO) plotted to blow up the country’s key infrastructure.

They also talked of arming themselves and destroying communication facilities, while praising North Korea’s third nuclear test on Feb. 12.

The spy agency raided the office of Lee and some RO members this week alleging they were plotting treason. On Friday, it also searched the house of former UPP spokesman Woo Wi-young.

Against this backdrop, Saenuri floor leader Choi Kyung-hwan said Friday that parliament should act promptly.

“It is not about the ruling or opposition parties. If all the reports are true, Lee and the others pose a threat to national security. I was shocked to learn all the facts,” he said.

The DP is not as emotional as the governing party at a time when the two have staged an uphill battle over the spy agency. But the former also seems to be cautious so as not to give the impression that it is protecting pro-North Korean forces.

Party members, who camped out at Seoul Plaza this month, have been asking for a thorough investigation into the NIS, whose agents allegedly uploaded Internet postings critical of the opposition candidate during last year’s presidential campaign.

The DP is also wary of the hypothesis that the NIS is using Lee’s case to divert public attention from this allegation. However, it also criticizes pro-North Korean activities.

The party has actively participated in candlelit protests aimed at censuring the NIS, but decided not to do so if UPP members are present.
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