Mar 25, 2009 01:53
I cant believe I'm actually wasting time and space to write about this video that totally does not deserve any more attention than it already received, but since I heard about it two days ago, I've just become angrier and angrier. And the half-assed "apology" that came out today doesn't do anything to make me less angry.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, there was a segment on the Red Eye show on Fox news recently about the Canadian military taking a year off after their current term of duty. The panel members on this show made some highly offensive comments about the Canadian military, along the lines of, "oh they're just going back to do some yoga and relax while the USA does all the real fighting", "hey, they have no military! now would be the perfect time for _____ (insert country) to come at us through Canada", and oh this gem: "Could Canada even have gotten away with this if they weren't right next to the MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY IN THE UNIVERSE?"
Are you flipping kidding me?! First of all, for all these years, Canadians have been fighting side by side with the American troops in a war that was never even ours to begin with! We went over there to support our allies, the USA, and this is how we are thanked. It was never a popular decision to send our troops overseas to fight this war to begin with, and this is the thanks we get. Wonderful. Not to mention that there were 4 Canadian soldiers killed in friendly fire accidents during this war, and the day this clip aired, four more soldiers were returning in body bags from the front lines. Yep, we just love to slack off -- time for us to come home a bit and do some damn yoga. Seriously, !@#P$%U!
Oh, and don't even get me started on that most powerful country in the universe bullshit. Has the USA ever heard of a country called CHINA? Yeah, guess what - more people and more firepower and a booming economy. The USA would be super screwed if ever China decides to use some of it's many resources in a bid for power.
Oh and once again, that whole Canada is an easy target? Don't underestimate us like that. The US tried to invade Canada once before, which if you had brushed up on your Canadian-American relations and history you would know, Mr.Douchebag-host. And guess what happened then? Well, it seems to me like we're still Canadians, not Americans. That's right - we stuck it to the invaders and topped it off by burning down your precious Whitehouse. Canadians are peace-loving yes, but like any other country, we can and will defend our sovereingty. Maybe if you had educated yourself a bit more instead of saying ignorant comments and basically pissing off every Canadian in existence, Mr. Gutfeld, you would know this.
I could go on for more about this, I'm so angry, but I'll spare you and leave it off here. I won't even mention that "apology" which came out today because it's such a half-assed display of back-pedaling that it's not worth anymore words than this. Fox news, give me a break and stop airing sensationalized crap like this. "News"? more like flashy tabloid with no journalistic integrity. What could have been an interesting discussion on the relations between the USA and Canada and the state of affairs in the middle east turned into a petty "Canadians not doing what we want them to do? How dumb, hurr" circle jerk instead.
Thanks for being so utterly, mind-blowingly ridiculous that I had to waste half an hour of my precious planning time typing this up to vent about it because it was so damn irritating.
fox news ruins it for everyone...again,
how to piss off canadians