(no subject)

Sep 14, 2006 23:45

LoL. I "blame" Riana for this post. And for the exact order of quizzes to be found below. Sorry Riana ^_^ you know I <3 you.

Your Icecream Flavour is...
Cookies 'n Cream!

Smooth and creamy with a few rough bits mixed in, you are a real treat! You are probably very popular amongst your friends. Remember too much of a good thing is not always good! Don't lay it on too thick!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz

How to make a makiono

1 part intelligence

5 parts ambition

1 part empathy
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little sadness if desired!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

Makiono HighwayBog of Eternal Marriage6Bankruptcity24Dumpsville39Hobotown156Bewilderment Avenue491Please Drive CarefullyWhere are you on the highway of life?

From Go-Quiz.com

Wth is that marriage one all about...

From Go-Quiz.com
This one cracks me UP!!!

well, fairly accurate I'd say.

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Super-Cool!
Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here.
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

lol. this is what I get for clicking "FANTASTIC" ahaha.
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