Bento Lunch List and other random stuff

Nov 12, 2008 23:48

So guess what?! My orders have all come in! Bento set, earmuffs, and socks -- it's all in, and I'm happy with it all. That being said, I have been too busy for pictures but when I get a chance I'll definitely post up some.

The rest of this post is more for my own listing, I just want to have a list of lunches I'm making for myself so that I can see my progress. Part of buying the set was to motivate me to eat more healthily and to enjoy cute food, hence the annoying listing. Hopefully I'll get around to taking pictures of them too, but for now, I have none XD;;; so feel free to ignore my list of lunches XD;;

Bento #1 - 11.07.08
Two small flakey dinner rolls made into two small layered tuna sandwhiches
Two molded eggs (bear and bunny) on top of a bed of cucumber slices with mini carrots underneath
One quarter of a maple walnut muffin (store bought)
Small mandarin orange/tangerine (... i suppose I should find out what the difference is)
Granola bar for a morning snack

Bento #2 - 11.13.08
Light soup (carrot base/spinach/soup pasta thingies)
Half a bagel, lightly buttered.
Two molded eggs again
More sliced cucumber
Small mandarine orange
Granola bar

In other news, I finally have my first lolita outfit put together... too bad I have nowhere to wear it to >__> all the major loli events are done this year in my town.... maybe they'll have something around christmas... Again, sorry, no pictures -- but eventually I'll get some up.  On the same note, I am mad jealous/in awe of airchan's 'mad thrifting skillz' as one person put it. *o*

List of things I want/need to do (in random order):

1. Figure out what I'm getting my godparents for Christmas
2. Talk to the study abroad people to see if there is any hope for me
3. Find out information on tuition awards for study abroad programs
4. Find out more info about after degrees
5. Decide what the heck I am going to do after I graduate...
6. Write that letter to J  --crap! I really need to do this--
7. Study my a$$ off for my finals. Starting, like, yesterday >_<
8. Stop making stupid lists that just stress me out from looking at them
9. Start watching dramas without subtitles
10. Clean up my freaking room. It's like a hurricane blew threw my closet and dumped half my clothes on my bed and chair ... eughh
11. Finish Hotel Dusk
12. Finish other DS games ...
13. More studying -- I'm so worried about school. I hate stress, it makes me stay up late and do dumb things like making pointless lists.
14. Go to bed earlier
15. Plan bento lunches ahead of time

#bento, random, shopping

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