[OOC] Application

Sep 04, 2009 20:32

Character Name: Reno
Character Series: Final Fantasy VII
Character Age: There isn't one specified in canon, but I'm guessing mid-late 20's
Background: Reno is a Turks.

Reno has been a Turks for upwards of six years.

No, okay. Seriously. There's really not much to know about Reno (that Squeenix feels like sharing) outside the fact that he's been a Turk for at least 6 years prior to the game and probably a few more years than that. This job carries a kind of "'til death do we part" contract, and as such, he takes it very seriously. (Though it's been shown they could turn the company on its head if they wanted, so I don't know, man. Maybe the President should hate on them a little less.)

Er. These links explain it far better than me, so: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Reno#Story

Personality: oh god how is this so long, I'm so sorry

Owing to the fact that he tends to be brash, at times lacking both subtlety and tact, Reno is someone who gets mistaken for an idiot annoyingly often. Though, all things considered, he seems perfectly content to let people think this so long as he doesn't have to work with them. He doesn't appreciate being taken for a fool when there are serious matters at hand. Despite his laid-back attitude about almost everything ever, Reno is loyal, dedicated and a hard worker when the time calls for it. There's a reason he and Rude have the highest success margin, after all, and it's not just because they look good. If there's anything he cares about, it's the Turks. Despite having a sense of self-preservation that apparently overrides his pride when it comes to ditching a losing battle (or maybe he wasn't taking Cloud n' co. seriously, there's never a way to be entirely sure with him,) he'll stick his neck out for them whenever the time calls for it. (Ask him about it, though and he's "just doing his job.")

Reno's a social being and relatively easy to befriend so long as you catch him on a good day. Of course his friendliness isn't to be mistaken for genuine fondness, but he finds it easy to get along with a wide variety of people, he's also an intuitive guy, you see, probably more than he'll show. You could chalk this up to his job and/or working with Rude for so long, he's obviously had to work with a wide range of people and not had a choice in the matter. (Of course, since he seems to antagonize people more than help, it probably gets mistaken for stupidity and a lack of subtlety. Arguably he's just really good at picking up on triggers and pressing buttons, because he's a dick.) To say he needs to surround himself with people at all times would be a lie, of course. He has his moments when he needs to be alone, like anyone, and he's very fond of his personal space (everyone else's on the other hand? Not so much.) and if he wants to chillax, he's probably far more comfortable with one or two people than a huge group. Not that he can't mosey into a huge get together and make himself comfortable, mind. He'd just prefer not to.

Contrary to the impression you may get from his his odd looks and off the wall attitude. Pushing aside the sarcasm and the cheerfully laid back sense of humour that piles on everything, Reno is an accomplished cynic. There isn't much he believes in and he's perfectly content to leave it that way. He doesn't like to get close to people and you have to be pretty fucking special to get past that barrier enough for him to give a damn about what happens to you in the long term. His affections are fleeting and unless you've made a significant impact, once you fall out of regular contact, he'll just about stop caring altogether.

His pride and his temper, especially, have a real way of kicking his ass before anyone else gets the chance. (See: Almost every time he talks to Cloud ever.) Even though he's generally a pretty cool guywho doesn't afraid of anything, once someone or something finds a way to get under his skin, there isn't much he can do except force himself (or rather, be forced) to take a time out. He likes to do things on his own terms, you see, which is all well and good when he's being sensible and "on his own terms" can be bent to mean, "I see your point and agree that it is a wise choice." Unfortunately, more often than not, it tends to translate into, "no, fuck you," and being left in various shades of "owfuck."

TL;DR: Reno is, despite all misconceptions, an intelligent and professional man with a huge appreciation with the few important people he knows and his right to do whatever the hell he wants on his day off.

Sample Entry:

...Yeah, okay. This is real hilarious.

Look. I don't do domestic, so if anyone wants to explain why there's a woman claiming she's my wife. I'm all ears. And if anyone wants me to believe that blond kid is mine, they're having a laugh.

If this is some asshole's sick sense of humor, I hope you got a good laugh out of it. 'Cause I'm kicking your ass as soon as I find you.

!ooc, *application

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