Jun 02, 2005 21:47
i was an uuuusher today at graduation, wasn't i awesome? yea i was workin hard.
so...i should be excited that tomorrow is friday and i am except after i get excited i realize i have to go to work till 9 after school....who wants that day to come? hopefully there will actually be something for me to do there tomorrow cuz last weekend i worked a 10-6 shift and my task was to "concentrate on customers"..........imagine that for 8 hours....no sitting...yea. fun.
i love my job.
but saturday is oldies palooza..yay..i'm a dork i know. but its really fun and i'm into weird fun stuff like that
so i tried to dress up tonight, man that was hard, i have like hmm two pieces of dressy clothing. i'm way to casual, i really need to work on that, and i will cuz i'm going shopping on sunday but i'm sure i won't get any dressy stuff....but i should...i will try.
i hope tomorrow goes fast. yep i do.
i'm ready for summer. but i'll miss seeing everyone everyday.
oh well.
my first softball game is monday night! woo go bears! or as the shirt looks like go beans!
i like the name beans better i'd rather be a bean than a bear. bears are big.
alright have a goodnight. love you all
except mark...hate you