Feb 02, 2009 17:42
So I talked to mah adopted sis Nix again today. I'd explain how happy it made me, but I have a feeling the conversation itself will show just how pleased I was. ^_^ Here's how it went:
Nix: So guess what I'm covering in American History.
Moi: CIVIL WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well... it's just the lead up right now, but yeah. XD
"lead-up"? You mean antebellum?
Stuff like the Wilmont Proviso and stuff.
...So yeah. Antebellum.
That's stuff's boring - wait 'til you get to the battles! The stats will knock your SOX off!
I know. I've studied them before. XD
There was one battle (the name escapes me) in which I think there were something like 2400 Confederates and only 400 survived. 0_o
Sorry about the swear but dang just doesn't cover it.
No, it's okay in this instance.
it's the f word I really can't stand...
But anyway!
Henry Clay? You learned about him yet?
A looooong time ago.
He's mean, IMHO
Clay? Yeah, he's rough.
But he deserves credit for postponing the war long enough for the North to gain the population and industrial advantages.
if he hadn't been around, the war would've begun in the '30s, maybe '40s, and the South would have won.
Oh. Hey.
The thing. under South American. That Magellan sailed through. What's it called? Magellan's... what?
Strait of Magellan?
THAT'S it.
No problema.
Anyway, I thought of the battle.
It was Stones River, in 64, I think.
(AKA Murfreesboro.)
There were 45,000 Yanks and 12,400 Rebs. 38,000 Union casualties and 12,000 Confederate casualties.
Antietam was the bloodiest battle, right?
No, Gettysburg.
... O__O
Antietam was the bloodiest *single day*. 22000 casualties for Antietam, 52,000 for gettysburg.
Madre de Dios.
That's... a lot of casualties.
Crazy, eh?
"Bloody Lane."
That's ... absurd.
You're tellin' me.
"It was told that the blood was literally "flowing like a river". This battle [Bloody Lane] was one of the bloodiest battles fought at Antietam."
That's insane
And very sad.
Wait 'till you learn about Pickett's Charge.
Over 50% Confederate casualties, and all 13 of Pickett's colonels were killed.
The Yankee artillery was situated behind a long stone wall, and they literally mowed the charging Rebel infantry down like wheat.
Holy crap.
This is funny though - after the war, when Lee was asked why he lost the charge, he said, "I always thought the Yankees had something to do with it." XD
... I don't get it.
The person asking wanted a military tactic answer, but Lee was just...being...oh, never mind.
He was snarky, wasn't he?
Did I say Lee? I meant Pickett. And yes, P was. VERY.
Yesm you said Lee. Hence the confusion. XD
Well, Lee was the commanding gen. at Gettysburg, and Pickett was a rank or two below him...sorry. It's hard to keep all these guys straight sometimes! XD
So says the Civil War NUT. XD
Oh, hush.
I knew I was talking about Pickett. It just came out Lee. XD
You know I'm bad with names, Hannah!
You did that on purpose.
Yeah, I know. ;D
A brat who is now v. happy.
It's not every day someone lets me babble on about the War.
Haha. If you let me babble at you while I study it I might just get a better grade. Mnemonic devices and all that.
Here's a trick for you: 1st Bull Run came before 2nd Bull Run.
Really? I never would've guessed that on my own! Thanks ever so much for informing me!
Glad to help!
4:32 PM
Well, here's a REAL trick: Gettysburg was called the High Tide of the Confederacy, right? This means it was the farthest north the army got, and it was also the first great battle they had lost so severely. It happened July 1-3, 1863, and was one of the first big battles that the North won. A day afterward, JULY FOURTH, THE FOUNDING OF THE UNION, Vicksburg, a strategically-placed Southern city on the Mississippi River, fell to US Grant, thereby splitting the Confederacy in two and making the War a lot easier for the Union to win. It'll help if you remember that all this stuff was won by the Union on/around Independence Day. The war turned in their favor on the anniversary of our nation's birth.
sdflksd/ I was wondering why it said you were typing for so long. O___O
I don't know if it'll help you, but it helped me to remember it that way.
Huh. Nice tip.
Also, US Grant won Vicksburg on US Independence Day. 0_o If you ever need to remember who won Vicksburg...? *sheepish grin*
*shrug* It made a lot more sense in my head.
El Fín!
civil war