So Calvin College sent me their course catalogue today.
There are some parts that I'm rather disappointed about (for instance, I can't be a straight history major if I want to get my secondary teaching certificate - I have to be an "Elementary and Secondary Education History Major," and I probably can't have a minor, which would have been Political Science). But otherwise...well, here's basically some of the classes I'll have to take.
[Because of my dual enrollment credits, high ACT/SAT scores, perfect APUSH test score, and 4 years of Spanish, I can get out of several basic English classes, basic History classes (so I can do the more difficult stuff), can test out of computers, can skip foreign language, and might be able to forgo a science class. Hurrah!]
For my PE requirement, I can pick several from, among others:
PER102: Nordic Walking
PER105: Aerobic Dance
PER120: Scuba
PER126: Cross-Country Skiing
PER127: Downhill Skiing
PER128: Ice Skating
PER129: Karate
PER130: Women's Self-Defense
PER143: Canoeing
PER145: Fly Fishing
PER155: Ballet Dance I
PER159: Square and Folk Dance
PER171: Racquetball
For my Christian Religion requirement, I have to take several theology classes, but I hope to fit this one into the picture somewhere:
REL343: Studies in Reformation Theology: Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. This course reads and discusses Calvin's Institutes in order to understand Calvin's theology and with regard to its continuing significance.
For my Global and Historical Studies, I want to take one of the following:
ARTH232: Early Christian and Byzantine Arts. A historical study of the form and function of visual images in the early Christian and Byzantine traditions. Special attention will be given to the rise of the cult of saints, to the veneration and destruction of religious icons, and to the relationship between sacred images and the imperial court.
HIS261: Ancient Greece and Rome
HIS262: Europe in Late Antiquity and the Early-Middle Ages
HIS263: Europe in the High- and Late-Middle Ages, 900-1450.
For my Arts requirement…
ARTH234: Northern Renaissance Art. A historical study of the form and function of visual images in Netherlandish and German cultures from 1400 to 1550. Special attention will be given to the rise of naturalism, to the relationship between art and religious devotion, and to the emergence of an art market. Jan van Eyck, Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, and Albrecht Durer are some of the major artists studied.
ART235: Italian Renaissance Art
And of course, my history course requirements, plus the ones I want to take…(asterisks are the ones I'm required to take).
*HIS151: History of the West and the World I (or Honors if I feel crazy)
*HIS152: History of the West and the World II
*HIS229: USA
HIS251: Colonial America, 1500-1763
HIS252: The American Republic, 1763-1877
HIS253: Industrial America, 1877-1945
HIS257: History of the North American West
HIS223: Russia
HIS225: England
HIS264: Reformation and Early Modern Europe
HIS266: Nineteenth-Century Europe
HIS254: American Religious History
HIS255: American Intellectual History
HIS356: American Social and Cultural History
HIS258: Studies in the North American West. Violence in the American West, from the Spanish colonial era to the present. "This course is about conquistadors, gunslingers, anarchist saboteurs, vigilante lynchings, cowboys fighting in saloons, enslaved Chinese prostitutes, Indian warriors, Mormon ambushes, riots in post-Industrial LA, and more." ETC., ETC., SO FREAKING COOL
HIS372: Europe's Global Empires
HIS362: Studies in Medieval Europe
HIS363: Studies in Early Modern Europe
*HIS294: Research Methods of History
*HIS394: Research Seminar
*HIS395: Historiographical Perspectives
Of course, there are many more classes I have to take to fulfill my cores and major requirement, like some Education classes, some math and science, some community interaction, literature, writing, computers, and some "Interdisciplinary" classes, which are basically like INT683: Teaching History To Young Adults.
But anyway. Yes, I'm pumped! I can't wait to go to college and start learning!!
ANYHOO. Georgia in a few days! :D
Here. A present.