Apr 23, 2004 02:50
So I finished all my logs. And now I don't know what to do with myself...
I should go to sleep. That is probably a good idea. But I can't. Maybe because I'm so excited about turning in my homework. haha. wooo. BUt yea, this week has been interesting. The Ablast is going pretty smooth for being not so smooth (ya dig?) . I think I have gotten past my frustrations because I realize we only have 54 days left of school and I don't want these last days to be crappy. SO If I am apathetic about situations lately (regarding school) it is pretty much because I am done stressing myself out. I mean, on Wednesday I couldnt find a parking space in the church (which angers me because I paid money for a pass) so I decided just to go home until R5 because I was angry at the system and wanted to rebel. HA. That is my rebellion.
Yep. I'm nervous about the future but also excited. That includes all the landmarks- prom/graduation/beach week/ summer-ness/college.
My mom is in Maine right now with Laura and Marsha (David's mom) looking at places to have the wedding. So it is just me and pops.
22 days until prom :-/
I have accpeted that I won't have a date, but oh well. Eww...so Coury wrote a list of the people going to prom and there dates--- 6/8 senior guys are bringing underclassmen. WTF? That sucks. Our class in general just sucks. All the other classes before us weren't as cliquey/in love with underclassmen or such as we are. BUT it has been relevant since the beginning of time, and Im not saying I am any better.
OK Im going to sleep.
McCauley > Leffler