It's been awhile...

Jan 08, 2005 17:07

Being cast out isn't as great as people make it out to be. I don't feel like a rebel. Nor should I feel like one, I suppose. I feel guilty, my mistake destroyed a lot of lives. Even when I think I'm doing the right thing, I end up doing the wrong thing. And yes, I feel hurt. Hurt because my friends, my chosen family didn't even ask my side of the ( Read more... )

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wickedslayer January 11 2005, 10:15:23 UTC
"The first evil?" I asked incredulously. "For real?" He nodded at me and I took a deep breath sinking down further into the mattress. I'd give up my left arm for a pack of smokes right about now. "That guy's gotta get a way better villain name, stat." I was making light of the situation, because well I didn't know what else to do. There was some big bad evil tryin' to kill off all the slayers...well that, only me and Buffy....

"Those other girls." I said suddenly. "They're not slayers. They're going to become if I die. If I die, they become slayers." I said again, letting that idea really sink into my head. I mean I always knew that's how it'd work. But it just didn't seem fair. They were being hunted because they could be slayers. I was the slayer, I had slayer power. Strength, speed, killer flexibility and they had nothing. They were being hunted and they couldn't even fight back. Not really.

Not that I did much better with slayer powers. Bet Buffy wouldn't have let herself get stabbed, I couldn't help but think. Although in my defense, wasn't exactly plannin' on ever getting attacked by demons inside of prison. Berthas and guards sure. But demons? Although if I'd learned one thing in the last few hours, it was that things never ever stayed the same. Unexpected shit happened, you just gotta roll with the punches.


_wes_pryce_ January 11 2005, 10:39:54 UTC
"Potential Slayers, yes," I nod at her, tipping the tips of my fingers against my chin thoughtfully. "I wonder hwo they're tracking them down. I know the council has some sort of sacred and mostly secret ritual," I snort. "It could be that they're after the council as well then. Either way, the potentials aren't safe then either." Or their watcher and most likely anyone around them. Such as Buffy's friends in her case.

Take out the girls mentor, the one she trusts and said girl is easy pray. "If they do have this...ritual, or if they can sense you or your Slayer essence in any way, it's only a matter of time before they get here." That does not bode or sit well. I wonder if I can protect her long enough until she's fully healed again.

"But again," I shrug, "it's just a theory. We could be dealing with something else entirely. But since everything seems to fit I doubt it though." But I've been wrong before haven't I? Several times. The Shanshu prophecy, the one about Connor and Angel. I'm not taking any chances, prophecies and theories aren't gospel.

Sighing, I get up again, picking up the ice pack and the tea cup. "I'll leave you to rest a bit more then. Call me if you need anything, I'll go and look through some books in the meantime." Pointing over my shoulder with the ice pack, I wince as my wrists shoot up a sharp pain at that movement. "I'll be just outside." Hovering a bit, I make sure she's allright before turning toward the door.


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