(no subject)

Jan 30, 2005 22:31

With the possibility of meeting the Slayer so easily, I have to say, I was quite overjoyed.
Avoiding physical contant, however, was the hard part.
That's the bad thing about choosing a lover.
But, then again, we all end up like that sometime, don't we?

I kept my malicious grin to myself as we got a cab and departed for 'home'. We made small talk, and I did my best to ignore everything she said, except for the parts about 'Slayers'. That seems to be the only object of my..
quote-unquote 'affection' these days.

My mind was scheming with ideas, all with little unplanned variables that could easily put a wrench in the works.
But, right now, none of those mattered.
What matters now is keeping your identity to yourself until the time is right, and playing all your cards, without making any bets.

We turned a corner in the ride that was seeming endless..

((Sorry if Willow-mun is upset about my small usage of her character to move along the plottiness and make a post!
If she is, I'll just change it.))
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