(no subject)

Jan 20, 2005 23:20

You know, I'd say it's been quiet here in Sunnydale if I didn't already know that I'd be jinxing life here. Oh, wait, what do I care? See, cuz the Slayer can just go handle it with her best buddies and the man-whore Xander.

Xander. Damn. I mentioned him again. That's another mai tai that I owe Hallie. Great. But, come on, a girl doesn't just get over being left at the altar - never mind. Moving on. Moving on, yes. Like, to money. Money is of the good. Right? Yes. So I've been busy at the Magic Box, what with Giles finally gone and over in the Mother Country. About time! I mean, he was dallying around here forever and, wait. Where was I?

Right. The money. So business has been semi-booming at the shop. Nothing too unusual sold, which is good. Although, I mean, some of the really freaky stuff you can find on Ebay now. Which is sort of creepy, knowing that some psycho across the globe could be packaging and selling the next apocalypse. But, hey, no skin off the back of the newly ex-ex-demon, right?

So, how goes the vengeance biz, Anya? Right, no one ever asks. At least Buffy and Dawn still talk to me. They sort of have to, seeing as I'm the owner (sole proprietor, thank you!) of the Magic Box now. And Xander? (Damn, another mai tai!) Yeah, well, he's around. We sort of...co-exist. Anyway, they should be back from meeting Willow anytime. And I'm sure they'll come around here to fill her in on all the weird happenings around Sunnydale.

And maybe someone else knows about Angelus. You know, he of the tight leather pants? Though the leather pants are nowhere in sight. Yet. And it is cause for concern. Wonder if D'Hoffryn knows yet. Just because I'm all vengeance-having again doesn't mean I'm completely morally bankrupt. Well, okay. Morals are boring. It's just usually, when Angelus is around, he tries to end the world. Which is not good for business. Vengeance or capitalistic. *sigh* We'll see.

Think I'll go count some money. Am bored.
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