Aug 25, 2005 19:37
hey hotties i havent done this C00l thing in a while...livejournal is S0 5 minutes but since im S00000 C00l & have N0THiNG to do tonight cuz my parents are GAY & now im GR0UNDED UGH i'M S0 MAD! GAYNESS so anyway..
0MG i l0VE HiGH SCH00l S0000 MUCH! its so much fun & sooooo many hot people...i want a boyfriend really bad =( theres not alotta drama yet this year too.. =) which is always a good thing.. SCHEDUlE :: 1ST-ENGliSH/ MRS. BEATRiCE 2ND:: CRiTiCAl THiNKiNG/ MRS. BEATRiCE 3RD:: AlGEBRA II H0N0RS BiTCH/ MRS. HEMRiCK 4TH: EARlY CHilDH00D (BEST ClASS in AMERiCA...WE PlAY BABY BOARD GAMES All DAY & PlAY WiTH T0DDlERS :] )/ MRS. liBBEY-SMiTH 5TH:: iNTEGRATED SCiENCE H0N0RS BiTCH/ C0ACH LAWS0N 6TH:: HEAlTH/C0ACH CHRiSTENSEN 7TH:: SPANiSH II H0N0RS BiTCH l0l/ SRA. V0Ell yeah i love gchs though im so happy..
homecoming is october 1st! i hope i have a date =( seriously. ill cry really hard if i dont. =(
theres this one kid who is not a freshman (idk what grade lol) but hes soooo hot & sooo polite he holds the door for me like everyday...he's number 84 on the varsity football team...has a DC backpack thats black & white...BlONDE HAiR/ BlUE EYES «33 BEASTlY TAll «33...anyone know who this stud is? l0l hook me up yo l0l
N0 SCH00l T0M0RR0W! yay! i think i might go 2 dj dave's?? not sure yet..hope im not grounded & i can do S0METHiNG tomorrow..& i hope this beastly hurricane passes overnight so it wont be T00 beastly in the morning...