Vanilla Ice came into the store yesterday and put Robbie, Katy, & I on the guest list. I grabbed a few pix from in the store...
I called my bro to inform him and he made me make him a BLING BLING necklace w/ "Vanilla Ice" engraved on it. So I did. I gave it to him (VI) at the bar & he wore it :)
I have more pix, but they are on my bro's digi & when I have time I'll post them...
Anyway...I drank like 8 jack and cokes...and I puked...a lot. Dave drove me home & I made him pull over several times so I could vomit. Cops showed up because we were pulled over, but everything was A-OK & they told Dave to get me home safely.
Steph & Dave did a wonderful job taking care of me last night. When I got home Steph was already at my house getting me water & ib profen & she even took off my belt :) I heart my friends.
I found dried vomit on my purse today. Not cool.