Well the rest of last week was rather good, I don't want to say that it was great because it wasn't, Friday was just sort of mellow until the end of classes. Spent part of Thursday night hanging out with Mer and her roommate, it was nice, helped her with laundry and she showed me her scrapbook, it's really awesome, sort of like all different collages.
Friday, Erica arrived around 5, I went down to Grand Central and met her there. My laundry was still in the dryer at that point so we had to go back to campus, we took the subway, it was Erica's first time, so it was rather funny to me. I think she was the loudest person there, it made me giggle, I adore her for it. We got back to campus, I got my clothes up to my room and then we went out with Jordan, Amberly, and Phil to get some dinner at the diner. Went back to the dorms, let the boys go off to drink and do their thing. We hung out for awhile, downloaded music and got ourselves ready and took some pictures, they turned out ok. Susan and Alana came a little later than we expected, even I didn't think they were coming at 11, I thought they'd be a little earlier, but it was ok because I love them. They got changed and we left.
Susan drove us down into Manhatten and after parking went to Avalon, whoever doesn't know, it's a converted church, use to be called the Limelight, it's a very cool place. Was the first real big club Susan and I ever went to together in NYC and our first experience was in their big time VIP section. So we went in and I had my whole little entourage of 4 girls behind me because I'd signed up for a guest list for us to be on, it was amusing to me, yet again. So we got reduced admission tickets to get in. We started out in the hip-hop/technoish room and spent most of the night there. Went over to the hard core techno room for a bit but then went back to the other room. We entered by where the bar was and there were poles lined up by other VIP sections that were padded sofas and stuff, it was pretty awesome. I had skirt on so to get up on one of the platforms I needed to step on a couch. So I went over to one of the guys and asked if he didn't mind helping me up since I didn't want to embarress myself. He was nice and pratically hoisted me up there without me lifting a hand.
So Erica and I were hanging out danging mostly with one another on the poles and then one of the guys from the VIP we were closest to asked if we wanted drinks, we said sure and started talking to the guys, there were about 8 of them in the VIP. Turns out they were all in Manhatten for a business conference or they were friends of the guys who were there for work. So Amberly, Susan, and Alana eventually joined us not long after and we allbecame fast friends with the group of guys. It was a nice fun night, no one had a designated dancing partner, although Susan did give a guy her number lol, and we just enjoyed ourselves, sort of friendship teasing each other and they must have been a nice amount of drunk because they def. gave us plently of whatever they were drinking, of course we were careful to make sure that we weren't the only one's drinking it, we're not stupid. But after awhile Erica got sort of tired and so we finally decided to bail. We said goodnight to the guys and left. There was an incident with a Hummer limo and Omarian's little brother... yeah we got to get into a limo and meet Omarin's little brother.. that's what happens when Susan, Alana and I get together though, anything happens. We went back to our car, got gyros because it was around 4am and we were sort of hungry at that time... gotta tell you gyros make the night complete lol. Went back to the rooms, watched Susan's cousin's wedding video that was done with clips of the reception and wedding with Lifehouse's - Everything as the music behind it... it was soooo beautiful. We goofed off a bit, Erica and Amberly went to bed, finally so did we.
Erica and I made friendship bracelets in the morning, rather she did.... I got impatient and just started to make another collage. We ordered in some chinese and had a party in Amberly's room while she was out for the morning, watching a movie and being lazy dorks until it was time for her to leave. Gotta say... I love my girls and how we rock the VIP... night could have been made complete with some cuddles and snuggles but I think it was alright overall.
Don't gyro with me!!!! ^.^
Two pictures pre-going out: