Oogie Boogie!

Oct 31, 2005 17:50

Happy Halloween to all the misfit toys! Wish I was going out to play dress up and scare all the straight tourists in the Village but I'm stuck here doing work, not even dressed up, poooo. Went to PARF again this weekend, was nice. Tiff with Hunter, no big deal. Got to stay at Kaliegh's house Friday and hang out with her kitties ^.^ They were soooo cute. Got to see 4 baby kittens on Saturday night when we hung out with the 'Amuck' crew, they were adorable, it was a whole weekend of kittens and fun. Hung out with everyone from St. George's Dragon Orphanage, decided that I'm getting a corset and cloak done by Jay for me, and I also bought my very first mug ^.^ ...Got all my Stats work done Sunday night instead of going to the Funky Formal, but that was ok, got to have dinner at Friendly's instead and just plain relax. I miss everyone already and I want to go back *tear*

makiieris's Halloween party:

___rose____ dressed as a halfback for the Chargers.

ablackerkat dressed as a pirate.

apl4tchr dressed as the Pink Power Ranger.

aradapilot dressed as the Earl of Pentformvere.

axplazeboy dressed as a buffalo.

billyboy85 dressed as something continuous, but what, specifically, you can't tell, and it suited them disturbingly well.

calliope427 dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Dinky Gigglehumperdinck".

celticelve dressed as a Noble & Abbott AssociatesCorp. employee.

clarkus dressed as Anna Nicole Smith.

cliche_chivalry dressed as a towel.

conformityzero dressed as Catherine Zeta-Jones.

coreyz dressed as Squidward.

damnitnicole dressed as a evil human resources intern.

dancingurlie02 dressed as a ugly ghost.

darkfairychilde dressed as a character from "The Third Man", though it looked more like a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Irate Wanderer.

davew0071 dressed as Donald Rumsfeld.

destinyrose10 dressed as Thomas Jefferson.

devyn410 dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Witch of Crary.

eljimbo dressed as a 1970's disco child.

evenstarfire dressed as a pixie.

grrlboiwunder dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Profound Bandit.

hayleyt dressed as Gabrielle Union.

howlingskull dressed as Worf from "Star Trek".

hunter_phoenix dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Betsy.

icecreamdream3 dressed as a pixie.

jo_gold didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

ladyofscrolls dressed as Michael Jackson.

larryv dressed as the Governor of Missouri.

lenny1698 dressed as a elk.

loveslastbreath dressed as a Level 3 ranger.

mordread4u dressed as James Polk.

ravenmoonbeam dressed as a fuzzy amplitude.

rayven dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.

rhiannontherose dressed as your brother.

rhps613 dressed as the Duke of Doren.

screamingdolai dressed as the Model Power Ranger.

sexybexy6996 dressed as the love child of Bob Dole and Nicole Kidman.

sirchristian dressed as Karl Rove.

smalltown_loser dressed as a bottle of Favnade.

solemn_whisper dressed as Optimus Prime.

supersnarf dressed as a diplomat from Madagascar.

sutariyubi dressed as Naomi Watts riding a hedgehog.

suz11190 dressed as a third baseman for the Astros.

thatblondfreak dressed as Kate Hudson.

whats_a_colleen dressed as a new superhero: Omega Sword.

yankeeskik84 dressed as a pudding.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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