
Oct 13, 2007 13:56

I hate it when people refer to non-traditional pairings as crack pairings. Nioh/Jackal, for example, is slightly unusual, but not crack. Neville/Parvati would be unusual, but not crack.

Then, I know some people that take exception to the use of the word crack to describe silly, off-the-wall fics. :p

...omfg, I want some fic of those pairings now. :D *loves unusual pairings* ... *hides Silver Pair in a closet*

The pizza place across from work was closed. I only had half an hour for lunch today, so I was very sad. Fortunately, the gas station provided me with a little package of chocolate donuts, a box of Arabian date cookies, and a bag of chili cheese Fritos in addition to a coke. :D

I actually didn't like the cookies. So, I set them down in the staff room on the "free food" table. Enjoy, co-workers!

Then, a bit ago here at work:
C. asks: Is it easier to email something from here [the computer] or something already printed out?

Sharon responds: O.o

I actually had a bit more of a point when I set out to post, but then a patron needed my attention. Oh, the joys of my job. XD

Also, as a "good job at midterms!" present for me, i'mma buy some doujinshi later. w00t.

general fandom, misc., work

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