So... I hate realplayer. Why? I... I don't recall now, but I remember the hatred was horrible and burning. So, I removed it from my computer. Along comes things I want to watch, and eep, they're in rmvb format. I re-downloaded realplayer, and I've made tenative peace with it.
I still like WMP player better, and am sad that all my media files now have the funky realplayer symbol. ;o;
Although, WMP, would you like to explain WHY You refused to play my PoT playlist? You didn't have a problem with it yesterday... I've resorted to your competition, damn you. ;o;
Many thanks to
nickel_dust, and
ohnoes_28 for friending me! I appreciate it! ♥
I... I've got nothing else. Need to finish a take-home test. *stabs lingustics* Sorry dudes!
ps. next nationals when? D:
edit: and woe! I want more money so I can drown myself in doujinshi! A LOT of people have been selling recently, and I want iiiit. D: