Shirota Yu's first fanmeeting in Barcelona (2012/10/20)

Oct 29, 2012 01:08

I said I'll post each Monday, and for the second week, I'm already late... OF COURSE!!!!!!!!
But I have a good reason: the last week-end, I went to Barcelona in Spain to attend at the first fanmeeting of Shirota Yu in his bevoled Spannish city!!! Barcelona is a really beautiful place. I couldn't see a lot, but I'll come back to visit that city better, for sure!
I went to that event with trace_into and I hope my translations were good ^^; I studied Spannish during 9 years, but I don't really like it *sorry* But I was surprised to understand so much. In the same time, Shirota's spannish is simple but I have more difficulties to understand his mother (because of her accent).
I'll try to write a little report. Well, I think I just sum up a lot.

That fanmeeting was more a concert than a talk event. Shirota sangs a lot of his most famous songs, and others that he wrote himself. He played guitar too. I can't say which songs there were, because I'm not really a fan of him and I don't know his musical career. For the ones I know, there were: Sisyphus in Spannish version, Worth Fighting For, Campeones, a song I know because it's on his Tezuka CD... There was too the song he sang in a weeding in the drama "DDBoys". And the last song was a song he wrote just for that event (and for us, like he liked to tell us lol).And he asked to us to not share that song on internet.



At a moment, Shirota asked from where people came. A lot from Barcelona, some from Spain, and a few from outside of Spain (there were Japanese women who did the trip to attend at that event). He said there were 10% of people who don't understand Spannish, so his mother Pepi came to translate in Japanese. Or in Spannish when he spoke in Japanese lol Pepi was a little like a CM. The complicity between them was very nice. (At a time, because he was so sweaty, Pepi told him to take off his jacket and his hat. And his trousers XDDDD). 

Before coming in the hall, each people wrote a question on a paper. Shirota chose 5 questions at random. Each people came on stage to tell himself/herself the question, Shirota aswered it, he signed one of his CD with the name of the winner, he faned it with his hand to dry it, and he and his mother kissed the winner XD
The questions that I remember were: 
- What is his fav part of Barcelona? He said the Sagrada Familia.
- When do he want to marry? (or with who? I don't remember well). I just remember he said he would like to have children in his 30s.
- A girl asked to him to sing a song of Tenimyu. He was surprised she knew Tenimyu (I think he asked how she knew it, and she answered "thanks to nico", maybe she wanted to say NicoNicoDouga...). He sang "Yudan sezu ni Ikou" looking her in the eyes. I was already in trance state, so I can't imagine how the girl was XDDD 
I don't remember more, but I think I understand that Shirota will try to answer all the questions on his twitter (not sure not sure T_T)

The event lasted nearly 2h and half. There were some members of the Shirota family and he interacted with them. The little hall, the little number of people, a very nice bond mother-son, all these stuffs made that event a warm moment. Like we were a member of Shirota family ^^

After the end of the fanmeeting, his mother said a little to talk with the people (or the people took the opportunity to talk to her before she came back on backstage lol). And we could take some pics with her and Shirota's younger sister Rina.

Some links:
- a real report (but in Spannish):
- a gallery of the event:

Some videos:
- FTL (feat Daichi)

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- Sisyphus (Spannish version)

image Click to view

- Tachitsukusu Kanata (the song I know from Tenimyu CD)

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- Mienai Kizuna (the song from DDBoys)

image Click to view

* dboys: shirota yu, ! event: fanmeeting

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