The most useful school in the world
Broadcast: 2010/10/09
Lenght: 2h47
Official site of the main show: The quality is really bad because it's from Veoh.
For this SP, there are a lot of guests. Of course, they came for promoting their drama or TV show.
This is a little list of people I know and I can name (there are some of other ones I know them, but I don't know their names T_T)
* some EXILE members
* Mizobata Junpei
* Imoto Ayako
* Sakurada Dorii, Shirota Yu, Miura Haruma et Yanagishita Tomo (Samourai high school)
* AKBingo
* Kamiji yusuke
* Mukai Osamu
* Fujiwara Tatsuya, Amami Yuki (Kaiji)
* Ichihara Hayato (Saru Lock)
* Eiji Wentz, Mami Yamase (SUPER SURPRISE)
* Nakayama Hideyuki
* some Hey Say Jump members
* Shinsengumi (the music band)
* Ishiduka Hidehiko
* Blue Man Group
There are quizzes about Japanese or international cultures, nice experiments, some games (like high jump or dances XD) and other stuffs...
[Mediafire] (1.05go)
part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5part 6 This video isn't mine, so you can share it as you want!
Don't need of credits!
But please, I will be pleased if you post a little answer if you take (for example, for saying for which artist you want see this video ^^)
Some screencaps:
All team logo XD
The games are funny
I love all the parts with Wicky!
He asks questions in English to some guests and they are to answer in English of course lol
The rythm exercices are very good
I love the moment of the first screencap: Shirota and Miura are laughing because they are listening Mozart masterpiece, but Tomo is fascinated ^^
They are very nice Shodo moments
With shamisen, it's so nice *_*
Sensei congratulates Tomo's work (of course, after Sho no Michi, he can do very nice shodo ^^)
Each people has to write a line of the kanji!