This week, the D-Boys who came for the meeting on Ameba Pigg were Araki Hirofumi and Yamada Yusuke!
I was in the room 4 and all the rooms were nearly full 3hours before the hour!
Before their arrival, we tryed to look to the same way XD
There were some people talking English but I don't know if they were foreigners or Japanese people because they talked in Japanese too...
When Yamada arrived in the room, he walked around before go to the stage lol
In that room, it was very calm. Everyone stayed at their place. No girl in the stage 0___0
They talked about "America", the last D-Stage of the year, they said they'll do their best. I saw some "Tomo suki" from girls too XD
Some strange reactions...
I was sad people didn't move, so I came a little closer ^^
Yamada did some actions like joy, fear... or stand to attention, and he prefered the last one so he stayed a lot of time like that XD
Before Araki's departure
Yamada stayed during 10 secondes after Araki left. A lot of girls came on stage, so the poor Yamada was alone with us XD
(Could someone translate what he said in the last pic please????? I just understand "Araki-san")