Jul 09, 2009 02:38
I'm going to update you guys on life!
- I went to Magic Kingdom and Islands of Adventure last month. I like roller coasters!
- The next week I went to FSU's orientation. It went well, I met people--including about 12831381726 film majors. One of them, my temporary roommate, was from Kansas. I met other people, and learned kinda where the parties were around Tallahassee. At least I have a girl's number that can direct me to such locations. There is a whole saga that goes with this trip to FSU. It's hilarious, but it'll take me hours to type up, and it's late and my wrists hurt. So I'll wait till later.
My student email, if anyone's interested, is mc09ad@fsu.edu
- The next week, I graduated high school (FINALLY). In the process I dyed my hair (blonde highlights on the top, maroonish-red on the bottom). I also got together with my dad's sisters and my cousin Katie. I love hanging out with them so much. They're hilarious, and I can talk to Katie for hours. Also, nothing funnier than three fifty-year old women singing I'm On a Boat. Seriously.
Also? Lots of graduation money.
- I got the next week of work off on a fluke--el jefe thought I was quitting with the other hostesses going up to Summer B. I'm back on Friday and Saturday though.
- Aunt and Uncle on my mom's side came down this past weekend, and Aunt decided to spoil me by taking me to the mall and buying me clothes from Macy's and The Loft. I feel like such a girl, but I really do like the outfits I got.
- I've been intending to clean my room out, but it's just never happened. Tomorrow I have to do a shit ton of laundry, and I might also start on my closet if I can. I might just go through my clothes once the laundry's done so I know what I don't want anymore and know what I need for school.
- Tomorrow we're bringing home a four month old Beagle that I think we're naming Otis. Well...that's the name he had at the Humane Society, and he already knows it. It's a cute name, so we might just keep it. He's high-energy, so I'm worried about him with my dog Stella, but it should be okay. He seems like a good boy.
- I think I'm going to look up the Humane Society in Tallahasse to see if I can work/volunteer. Because honestly it was really hard to leave that place with just one dog today. Having the designated job of playing with the animals would be ideal. I also found another potential job at Andrews 228 downtown, which is where one of the Gold Coast bartenders used to work. Also? Totally interested in bartending. You have no idea. I think I might take off weekend hours though. I don't like working weekends, honestly. While you make the most money for just two shifts, it can be really stressful and put a damper on plans you have with people that dont have a job or work weekdays like normal people. So yeah. Looking into that.
- There's a chance I'll be going up to Universal/IoA for a day next week with my future roommate and her friends. I need to check with Luke to see if he can drive up with me, and if not I might need to have my mom to take me to where the girl lives and I'll drive with her....God I need my license.
- I need your opinion guys. I'm thinking of flying up to New York in late July. It'd only be for a few days, possibly Sunday to Thursday so that I wouldn't miss any more work before I go away. Thanks to graduation, I have a little over a thousand dollars to my name. I can be very cheap, but there is the issue of travel/cabs/food etc. My cousin, who I would be staying with, doesn't actually have a job, I think, so I couldn't really mooch off her. I know I could very easily manage to spend a thousand bucks in the city, and I don't want to do that, so I can be cheap if I need. I'm also not spending all my time in the city. There's my aunt's house in the Hamptons, there's her ex's house in Lake George...But do you guys think it's worth it? Especially since I've devoted no time to packing, cleaning, or figuring out what I need for school?
Now, the only thing I'm really saving up for is a bonafide cross country road trip I want to take next summer. I know I'll have some time to rebuild that money if I take a job up at school.
((Also, Laura my love. If you'd like to arrange a meetup, we could plan it...we'd just have to keep it cheap, and we'd have to work out logistics--it'll probably be short.
I know how much money you spent on travel this summer, and flying to Florida's a pain. But by all means you're always welcome down here ^_^))
- I cannot repeat this enough. READ. SHADOW UNIT. YOU SILLY INDIVIDUALS.
- And, if anyone's interested,
Here's what next semester's schedule looks like:
8:00am-8:55am: Elementary Italian I
3:35pm-4:50pm: Cultural Anthropology Honors
6:30pm-7:45pm: University Honors Colloquium
8:00am-8:55am: Elementary Italian I
11:00am-12:15pm: Intro to Physical Anthropology/Prehistory
8:00am-8:55am: Elementary Italian I
3:35pm-4:50pm: Cultural Anthropology Honors
8:00am-8:55am: Elementary Italian I
11:00am-12:15pm: Intro to Physical Anthropology/Prehistory
2:45pm-4:15pm: Physical Anthropology Lab
8:00am-8:55am: Elementary Italian I
Right now I'm actually thinking in terms of work days vs. days off. Monday's a given no-can-do, Tuesday probably, Wednesday maybe, Friday I can get a lot in, and just take off when I wanna go home.
mel is a lazyass,
shadow unit,