Feb 01, 2008 21:09
Found out a little while ago that I wont be able to go to America again...I handled it quite well..Maybe a little snappy over the subject, but I've just got to come up with some other ideas now.....Not a bloody clue what though..Just need to get out the house more often, it's driving me insane. Just need the motivation to do something.
Been back and forth to the doctors for the last few weeks. Originally went in because my hands and feet turn funny colours in the cold and go numb...He knew it was Raynauds after describing it, but wanted me to have blood tests to see if there was a cause. Asked me if there was anything else wrong with me, but other than constant tiredness and occasionally light headed, no...I called back for the blood results a week later and it turns out I'm anemic...@___@ It explains a HELL of a lot of things, including being light headed and sleepy all the time....My iron count was 4, which I gather is pretty crap considering the doctors reaction and that 15 is suppose to be the lowest.
I'm currently on 3 different pills which sucks cuz I hate the things....I have to take 2 iron pills a day and 3 if I have no side affects, which I haven't so I may be taking 3 a day.....Apparently they should help my Raynauds too!!..........I just want some energy!!!!! ;____;
On the brighter and dollie side, Brecht and Elisabeth have their bodies!....My dad is going to make a neck piece for Brecht though XD Poor girl is holding her head...Also gotta make her an outfit...Can't decide whether to redo her face up when the MSC comes. Ripley also has a wig and new eyes on the way..Shame she's body borrowing and has no clothes or face XDDD I was suppose to stop buying, but damn it's hard >< >< Must resist urges.
Alex and Zara STILL need cleaning up and given new face ups ><....Gaaaah....
Okay.....I cease the ramble now.