I got tagged by
pansy_rocker471 Rules
1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions
3. Then tag three people.
Characters Chosen:
1) How Old Are You?
Z:.....I refuse to answer that..
A: Old fart!....I'm almost 17!! ^___^
Z: I am NOT....I just think it's rude to ask someones age.
R: Lets just say I'm WELL experienced.
Z:....About 5ft 8 I guess...
A: 5ft 5 ^___^
R: 6ft 4
3)You Got Any Bad Habits??
Z: I think Alex should skip this question,it'll go on forever.
A: HEY!!..Shuttup you meanie!...So what,some people say I'm a bit hyper! *pokes his tongue out* What about you anyways Mr.Grumpy Pants..
Z:....Bugger off...
R: *Sigh* No..I'm perfect.
A: O__o
Z: NEXT question!....
4)You a virgin?
Z: What kind of questions are these?..No I'm not.
A: *Blush*...Well..Errr....nooo *Blush*
R:.....*Raises eyebrow* It's the best way to manipulate and I live to manipulate,so I'll leave you to answer that yourself.
5)Who's your Mate/Spouse?
Z:..No one....I don't need a spouse
A: *pout* ...I don't have one...
R:I'm sad you feel that way Zara.
Z: Go die!!
6)Have Any Kids?
R...Don't think so..
7)Favourite Food?
Z:.....I don't know..It's not something I think about.
A: Choco!...And icecream!!!...And and and!..Choco icream!!! ^_______^
R: Anything sweet or spicy.
8)Favourite Ice Cream flavor?
Z: I don't like icecream.
A: Zara.....You're a FREAK.....CHOCO CHOCO CHOCO.
A: You're both WEIRD. -____-
9) Killed anyone?
Z: .....I....Errr
A: You errr?
R: Yes he has...
Z: *Glare* SHUTTUP!
A:...=( .......
R: I have too..Quite often actually.
A:*edges away from the other 2* I haven't.
10) Hate anyone?
Z: YES...*Looks at Reign*
R: What?
A: Think he hates you....I can't say I blame him really -___-
R: Ah..I see....Hostile are we?
11) Any Secrets?
Z:.....A few
A:....No..I don't think so.
R: I have a few things people think I SHOULD have kept a secret...But I'm quite open about my deeds.
12) Love Anyone?
Z: ....As in family love?...I love my sister.
A: *blush* errr..Maybe..
R:....Love?...Is that some human emotion?
A/Z: @__@
Z: Huh?
A:Mmmmm TACOS!
R: Sure why not..
14)Ever slept in All day?
Z: No..Never.
15)Favourite Show?
Z: Documentaries
A: OOOoooo...Cartoons...Any cartoon.
R: I suppose the CSI and Forensic documetaries are good.
16)Favourite Movie?
Z:...Don't have one.
A: Pirates of the carribean and....*thinks* Sean of the dead...Anything funny really! ^ ^
R: Why watch a movie when you can live one?
17)Favourite Band?
Z: ...I guess I quite like Buck-Tick and Oasis...
A: You like Oasis?!...O__O
Z: Yeah....
A: O...kay...I like Judy and Mary! And Shakira! ^ ^
R:........Who are these people?
18)Eye Colours?
Z:Dark blue.
A: Light blue!
R: Red....White...Changes quite often
A: O__o
A: Peachy! ^ ^
R: White.
Z: Slim I guess.
A: He means scrawny!....I'm slim! ^___^
Z:...An he meant chunky.
A: I AM NOT chunky! *pout*
R: Slim.
21)Rain, sunshine?
Z: Rain.
R: I don't care?
22)Pool, Beach?
Z: Neither.
A: Beach!!!...So I can tan tooo! ^ ^
R:.......Again..I don't care.
23)Camping, staying home?
Z:...Either is cool..As long as I have a book.
A: I don't like camping..It's cold and scary.
R:...I don't like either...
24)Dog, Cat?
Z: Cat
A: Dog!...So playful!
R: I prefer humans.
25)Believe in aliens?
Z:..Well...Angels and demons are real...So yeah...I guess it could be true.
A: *shrugs* Dunno
R: It's a possibility.
26)Natural Born, or Clone?
Z: Natural
A: Me too
R:....Yes..I would have to agree with that.
27)Car or Ship..?
Z: Car
A: Car...I get sea sick.
R: Ship...It's more interesting.
28)Ever destroyed something out of Blind Rage?
Z: Yes...
A:...HEHEHE...Yea..walls feel his wrath!..I haven't though ^ ^
R: Has been known to happen.
29)Any Unusual Things about you?
Z: I'm a fallen angel..Does that count?
R: Demon
30)How much food/drink do you need a day?
Z:....I don't really keep track.
R: ...Not a lot.
31)Favourite Place?
Z: Somewhere quiet in nature.
A: Anywhere FUN
R: Hell....
I tag
beanyneko ,
mildly_deluded and