Sooooooo,I got woken up at 8am by my dog barking.I WAS gonna ignore it,but it suddenly occured to me to look out the window!
And there she was in the dollie baring royal mail mans hands! She's sooo purty! <3
Here she is!!...I hopes you likes her Beany! <3
T'was the rainy box!
T'was the half opened rainy box and my sleepy foot!
Awwwwwww! She's soooo cuuute and purty! * . *
Dun mind the bad pictures! It's far too early in the morning for me @___@
I think she needs to be Zara's little sister..Coz they're made by the same company and are both gonna have red hair and already have blue eyes!...YAY!
Continues to ramble elsewhere........