Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 22, 2007 00:03

Happy Thanksgiving, peoples. May you all stuff yourselves with lots of turkey or tofurkey (whatever floats your boat) and all manner of other goodies, and may you have lots to be thankful for. :)

I have to work tomorrow, well I guess today now that it's midnight. It was supposed to be 1-6 but due to a new department in our store and people shifting around, I am now working 12-5. This is better for me, because that will give me time for lots of eating, and lots of sleeping, as I have to be back at work for 5AM on Friday. Joe will be making the turkey, but I'm not sure what he's going to do to it. He had originally thought about grilling it, but it snowed last night! First snow I've seen since we moved here.

I'm doing well. Like I said, we had a bit of a shift around at work, and I got put back on customer service full time. They didn't even interview me for the position, they just called me into the office and said, "We have an opening, you can have it if you want it." I got the 20 cents back I lost when I moved here, which is cool. The only bummer part is that I will be a closer, so I'll be working until 10PM most nights. This is ok because I'm practically guaranteed over time- we never get out right at 10, and it's bad because sometimes I have to walk home in the dark, which is sort of unpleasant (and getting to be a wee bit chilly). I bundle up, bust out the flashlight, put on my best crazy face, and power walk all the way home, lol.

Joe's ok, he's been working a lot as usual. He's a little bit in the doghouse because he got a speeding ticket the other day. He denies speeding, but the cop didn't agree, which is obvious by the lovely $140 ticket we now have to pay. Guess who gets to try and get some overtime to make up for the ticket? *raises hand* SOMEONE *glares* doesn't get overtime, so someone else now has to try and get some extra hours in. I am not too amused.

Other than that, things are going swimmingly. Oh! I got a turkey from work, which is either a truly nice gesture toward the crew from the management, or a sign that the world is coming to an end. Guess which one I think it is, haha? They never do something just to be nice. I wonder what is up, there's always something up. :) You may think I'm paranoid and suspicious, but if you worked there for even a day, you'd think that way too. Jane knows what I am talking about!

The cats are good. Boo got all goofy on catnip and attacked a piece of plastic, it was really funny. She's a sleeping Booloaf right now. I don't know where Pookie is, which is odd because he's usually like my furry shadow. He's probably curled up in the cat bed downstairs, being closeish to Joe. If Joe left the room, Pookie would zoom upstairs to me, silly cat is the clingiest cat I've ever seen.

Well, it's time to rest up for a fun day or turkey and work-y! Have a nice holiday, all!
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