Oct 15, 2006 20:28
Write twenty things to twenty different people that you would never say to them face to face, but don't tell who it is.
1. Ya know what im glad that your happy but is it too much trouble for you to call me when your here to hang out and would it be too much to ask if it was just the two of us
2. You and me shared something so sweet, something so passionate and something so devestating and i know that even tho we cant be with each other i hope that think of what was and what could have been with us with a smile on your face cuz thats what i do
3. You...you need to grow up or die...theres no room in this lifetime for your stupidity, ignorance and immaturity
4. I love you but i cant be with you cuz it would wreck our friendship and im glad that we both understand that.
5. I know we werent the best of friends but im glad that we are now
6. I heart you...plain and simple
7. you need to never drink again...you are such a light weight....oo and im finally happy that you have quit trying to go out with me...thats such a stress reliever on our friendship.
8. I just wanted to say hi
9. You! You infuriate me! I cant fucking stand you...go to hell dammit!
10. We had fun, now its over...and im glad that we're friends even though we put each other thru hell.
11. We were inseperable and we let something so trivial come between us but im glad that we are now friends again cuz life with out you was a lil empty...your my friend, my better half and my sister...the one always could make me smile when i was sad
12. I've wanted to make out with you on more than one occasion.
13. One time...i slept with you one time adn now it haunts me...leave me be to live with my mistake....besides you were small and it wasnt all that great anyway
14. Tell me one thing....and make sure its the truth
15. YOU....go to hell...NOW!!!
16. Quit drinking...you suck at it
17. You. Me. Quickie.
18. You're the funniest person ive ever met and i hope that we have another go
19. you make me nervous....put the lighter down
20. I told you...i smoke...i drink....get over it....im 18 ill do what i want...ill quit when i get bored with it just let me be!