A list of reasons why Nathan should get a dog.

Jul 31, 2009 18:34

1. The right dog would be a great companion in that big old house of yours.
2. You're a senator. What kind of senator doesn't have a dog?
3. You're not allergic, so you have no excuse for being a senator and not having a dog.
4. Simon and Monty would love to have a dog. Considering you and Heidi are in the middle of a divorce, it wouldn't hurt you to have a cuddly animal for them to play with.
5. Claire also likes dogs. Get one before Sam gets a puppy and you'll be a leader, not a follower.
6. It'll keep PETA off your ass. (It's not your fault your mother enjoys wearing fur.)
7. You and Peter had a dog when you were younger, and you secretly miss owning one.
8. You're rich. You can afford a dog. Peter and I would watch it if you were traveling. Not that it'd be hard for you to check in if you were out of the city or something.
9. Tex and Lola could use a big somethingorother. They have no family but each other. Isn't that sad?
10. It'd make you look like less of an asshole.

Sasha Hoffman
Original Character

muse: sasha hoffman

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