Week 57

Jan 05, 2009 14:44

57.1 Make a list of things that remind you of someone.

- Leather and spice
- Cards
- Red
- Coney Island
- French toast
- Omelets
- Shrimp creole
- Atlantic City
- Phantom
- Darts
- Pool
- Nickelback
- Paris
- Pirates
[locked to Remy]
- Silk scarves
- Bubble baths
- Massages
- Fireworks on the roof
- Breakfast in bed

57.4 Make a list of people who make you smile.
- Remy
- Geoffrey
- Alex
- Mel
- Lauren
- Kitty
- Bobby (okay, so he makes me laugh, but there is smiling involved. :P)
- Jubilee
- Tabby
- Rogue
- Rachel
- Pepper
- Laine
- Pippa
- Charlie
- A whole bunch of other people I don't have room to list.

Muse: Aryn Wakefield
Fandom: Original Character
Comments here

muse: aryn wakefield

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